Tuesday, October 15, 2024

What Kind of Magic Halloween Trick is This!

    By now, everyone has had their fill of political ads. My personal favorite is the “factory worker” imploring me to believe that he pays more in taxes than billionaires. I’m sure that there are stupid people out there that will fall for this type of ridiculous advertising because he looks like he’s a drummer for a ZZ-Top cover band. Just about every half-truth or outright lie Harris-Walz could fabricate for the general public has been met with disdain in most cases. Harris has no clue what policies she stands on, she has no clue. Kamala just begins her mantra of, “I came from a poor middle-class family, I ate boogers and dirt to survive. We could barely send me to private school with my parents’ combined income of $400,000. I would cry myself to sleep thinking about getting sent to bed after supper and then desert.” Then the so-called journalist says, “No Madame Vice President, I asked, ‘what type of candidate will you be?’” To which Kamala replies, “What candidate would you like me to be? (cackle, cackle, snort).”

    You see, she isn’t a leader, she can’t even effectively follow. Unfortunately, that leaderless effect, causes the American people to spiral. The American public yearns for leadership, and because there has been a leadership vacuum over the past 3 and a half years, they try to fill it with Kamala because some would prefer to hear what they want to hear instead of being told the truth. Let’s face it, Kamala couldn’t lead people to a Dairy Queen if they were interested in soft serve ice cream. She couldn’t lead school children across a crosswalk without someone telling her where to go. This my friends is a problem.

    There isn’t much that she can do. For example, a bombshell broke recently of plagiarism in one of her books, yes, it’s bad but I don’t believe that she wrote that book anyway. I’m sure that someone else did, I mean can you imagine her writing a book that didn’t have a coloring section or finger paint by number? Me either. The thing that has me bent is that she was recently in a town hall answering questions, and when the camera pans over, you see the teleprompter scrolling before shutting off. Really?! She can’t string two thoughts together without someone telling her what to say? Is this the female version of Ron Burgundy? Just type it on the teleprompter and she’s going to read it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “WE HAVE TO EXPECT BETTER FROM OUR LEADERS!” It really makes you wonder who is making decisions behind the scenes, because I can guarantee that she isn’t making decisions. Please try to remember, people who are voting for Harris have been fed a consistent lie, you have to kindly show them the truth.

    One thing that I typically hear is, “Trump is a narcissist!” Ok. Let’s explore that. If you were having a surgery that would save your life, but the best surgeon in the world was a narcissist, would you say, “I don’t want that doctor! That doctor seems narcissistic!” No. I wouldn’t care if that doctor was a ventriloquist while performing surgery if that was the method that got the best results. Similarly, why would you make the comparison to Trump, (as a narcissist, not a ventriloquist, stay focused)? The country was doing much better under his leadership, so who cares if he thinks highly of himself, after comparing his results to the last 4 years, he should.

    Kamala backed the democrats into a corner, leading them to believe that Biden was fine. The reality is that she knew he wasn’t doing great, so that at the ninth hour, party leadership would have no choice but to choose her. The same people were trying to remove her from the ticket because she was so unlikeable. Things really haven’t changed, for her. She is still unlikable, but the media is trying so hard to show the American public how awesome she is that we aren’t buying it, and they are ruining their credibility in the meantime. Just like other terrible magicians, Kamala and the media have run out of tricks that they can perform, and we’ve all grown tired of their act. We see it waaaay too much. From getting illegal immigrants’ temporary asylum to vote or waving identification laws so anyone can vote regardless of citizenship, it’s old. As conservatives, we’ve seen it all before. They keep trying to lie, and tell us, “Nothing up our sleeve,” but that’s all they have are tricks and no substance. What we need to be aware of, for their next trick, is when democrats can pull a real candidate out of their… hat, I was going to say hat. This is a family page after all.

Stay Magical my Friends, 

Aaron from GA