Friday, July 26, 2024

Really nice you freaks...

Great work James!

Not the outcome they intended...

Exactly why DJT thinks we could be headed towards World War 3...

Stand up Republican heroes!

The Left are so silly and petty...

We all want answers...

Thursday, July 25, 2024


This goes deep folks...

We pay for Leftist play...

Next in the Leftist tool kit of human destruction...

Live or Memorex?

The ability of Neo-Bolsheviks to switch placards on a dime has never surprised TRP...

These are the same people we are supposed to trust not to cheat and to allow for free and fair elections... 😂

Leftist insurrection!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Leftist transparency...

Tucker with Jack Posobiec on assassination...

MAGA 4 Life!



Leftist devil...



Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Chances of this going anywhere?

What a true leader compared to the Leftist antisemites...

What can be, unburdened by what has been!! So say we all!!!

Patriots an APB for this suit...

Mayorkas next!

Just like the "Blackrock coincidence" nothing to see here folks...

Monday, July 22, 2024


Is Joe Biden alive? We worry for his safety with these Leftist devils...

Beyond disturbing...

Sunday, July 21, 2024

TRP Interview with Talk Radio Trailblazer John Mainelli! (7/19/24)

We are proud to welcome John Mainelli, former WABC program directing trailblazer, veteran radio consultant, and former columnist for the New York Post. Mainelli was a key factor in igniting the explosive popularity of talk radio in the 1990's as the program director at WABC in New York (770 AM from 1988 to 1995) where he launched a lineup including Rush Limbaugh and Ed Koch. His hiring of Rush Limbaugh on the Fourth of July 1988 was his cornerstone and that was just an inkling of what lay ahead. While he brought in hosts as varied as Lisa Sliwa, Joy Behar and Lynn Samuels, those who lasted were mostly conservatives: Limbaugh, Jay Diamond, Ed Koch, Curtis Sliwa. Plus holdover Bob Grant who he called "the greatest talk show host that ever lived."

This is an incredible hour discussing the golden age of talk radio that you simply will not hear anywhere else!


These Leftist racists want to remove the first black woman from running for President!


Simply put... "Democracy" only works for the Left when you are up big in the polls... Also we demand to know what the pay off is to the Biden crime family!?!?

Neo-Bolsheviks will stop at nothing to retain power...

Saturday, July 20, 2024

No chance in hell!

Yet another unhinged Leftist...

Friday, July 19, 2024

Where is the gun control talk from the Left??? Ok to have guns if the right people get shot at???

Proudly defending presidents from out of control buffets...

Biden a hero too you know...

Perfect post election gift for your Democrat friends...

Remember when John Stossel told Dr. D the Trump assassination was staged?


Hey Leftist dummies...


Michelle the savior... what a sad state of affairs...


Mayorkas must go as well...

So powerful...

DJT loves the common man!


Tucker full speech RNC convention... Newsmax & Faux news went dark on him....

The depths of this are just starting to come out...

Thursday, July 18, 2024



Democrat party knows DJT's lead is too big to rig with Biden... The man that got the "most votes in history" is now "dragging down Democrats..." 🤔


Good thread...

Nothing to see here folks...

Not a failure of local police... Stop it!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Neocon scum are not welcome in the people's party!

Fire her now! Zero accountability!

Don't mess with Texas Christian women...

One hour before...



Tuesday, July 16, 2024

DEI DEAD... Ban all women from the Secret Service immediately!

Nothing can explain this... can’t just be incompetence...

Neo-Bolsheviks never mention their gawd Stalin...

Well certainly Reagan & the strict construction of the Constitution of 1787...

The party of Jefferson you Neocon scum! 

CLICK here and learn your history!

Monday, July 15, 2024

So far so good...

Oh yes let's come together with these devils...


The Cortez Broad yesterday not backing down and still endangering lives with the fascism nonsense...

Oh no not now you don't....

Case dismissed...

Our dear Melania...

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Plenty of time to eliminate threat... DJT supporters with iphones our only surveillance...

Their "Registered Republican..." ..."Slash Republican throats" ..."death to fascists..." where could he have gotten that hate?!?!

Leftist ideas get people killed...

As Frank said Friday... justice from the living gawd...

A short list...

Beyond sick...

There must be a committee for this alone...

Was the shooter a New Republic reader?

TRP! (4/12/24)

TRP! (12/15/17)

TRP! (12/17/19)



Just coincidence of course....

From (8/19/22) and many times before Tucker...

TRP (8/19/22)

From the (7/24/20) summary!!!

We demand a full investigation from the top... Not enough protection and no way this could be mishandled ever again... and yes get Robert Kennedy some protection too... All before one more dime to foreigners....

 TRP! (7/24/20)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Confirmed! Thomas Matthew Crooks

We want answers now!!!


Be on guard at all times!

A real leader 100% Man!!!

These Leftist devils and deep state bastards!!! We told you long ago...



The stacked deck and still Biden has no chance...


Friday, July 12, 2024

His decline was just so hard to spot...



Thursday, July 11, 2024

Establishment devils...

Just another sinister Leftist plot...