Dr. Goodyear also quells rumors that the Topper Site had been contaminated by "wash" into the area. He goes on to state that at the mega conference his team will present a large quantity of stone tools which will squash further rumors that what they have uncovered at Topper are merely "naturally formed items" that only resemble man made tools.
Dr. Goodyear finds out, as all our esteemed guests quickly do, how serious we are about this subject. He knows now that the interview was not the typical overnight "coast to coast" or "ground zero" nut case interview where they try to talk to him about aliens crash landing in the distant past or the possible existence of dimensional beings. Frank, does though make him aware of his Solutrean "vision quests" and in the end "He of the First Blood" gets an invite to take a quest to the Topper site when ever he makes it down to the area!
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