James M. Taylor, J.D., Senior Fellow at
The Heartland Institute and Managing
Editor of
Environment and Climate News, joins John & Frank to debunk the global warming alarmists. He is one of the foremost experts in the field. He comes armed with facts and the most up to date knowledge to crush the enviro-pagan mythology. The Heartland Institute is a non-profit public policy organization based out of Chicago. They have been targeted by the "man made" global warming nuts as the group that has done
the most to foil their agenda world wide.
He dispels many of their common myths, talks about the psychology and motivations of these Left-Wing fanatics, and delves into some of Al Gore's most notorious fabrications. Mr. Taylor is a fountain of information and he lays it all out for our listeners in a very clear and concise fashion.
Check out
for their latest report, “Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science."
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