Sunday, June 28, 2020

Prominent Objectivist Mark Michael Lewis Interview! Societal Decadence: from Forced Lockdowns to the Marxist Anarchist Riots (6/26/20)

We are very happy and honored to welcome back once again, Mark Michael Lewis, a prominent "Objectivist," to the program. He is here to discuss Ayn Rand's "Pro reason... Pro individual rights... Pro free-enterprise" philosophy...

Tonight he will discuss the current swell of societal decadence... ...From forced lockdowns to Marxist anarchy... (Ayn Rand we're sure would not be happy!)

Mark is an "Entrepreneur Coach" who specializes in integrating Ayn Rand’s philosophy and free-enterprise ideas into profitable actions for more prosperity, purpose, and pleasure.

He is also an author, speaker, consultant, &... is the host of the very popular "Becoming an Ayn Rand Hero Podcast" where he has worked with and interviewed some of the biggest names in the world of philosophy...

Mark clearly lays out and explains Ayn Rand's philosophy and makes the case that choosing to think "reasonably" and "objectively" is really the only way to solve the world's ever pressing problems!

What a wonderful "you'll only hear it here" enlightened TRP discussion! As Mark generously fields questions from callers for almost two hours and ratings soar while he does!