Dr. John C. McAdams joins John & Frank to mark the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination.
He is a professor of political science at Marquette University. He earned his PhD from Harvard University in 1981. McAdams teaches courses on American politics and public policy. He also runs the JFK-The Assassination Home Page. It is the best gateway to the most serious and reliable materials on the subject. The site hosts the best collection of Kennedy assassination-related information you will find on the net. Dr. McAdams is a true "JFK Assassination Expert." He's the real deal and is No Lefty either! He's been described as a "vocal conservative" and is also a well known proponent of capital punishment.
As all long time listeners to the show know, Frank is a JFK assassination expert of sorts himself, or as he would say "researchologist." He asks the Dr. many thought provoking questions. Frank's experience on the subject includes interviews with other "experts" over the years as well, including Dr. Cyril Wecht and Jim Marrs. He had one especially memorable encounter with Mark Lane!
A ton of ground is covered and multiple conspiracy theories addressed. Dr. McAdams knows his stuff and our listeners are in for a debunking bonanza!
We encourage you to Check out his book: JFK Assassination Logic: How to Think about Claims of Conspiracy
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Monday, December 2, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
James M. Taylor Interview (11/8/13)

He dispels many of their common myths, talks about the psychology and motivations of these Left-Wing fanatics, and delves into some of Al Gore's most notorious fabrications. Mr. Taylor is a fountain of information and he lays it all out for our listeners in a very clear and concise fashion.
Check out ClimateChangeReconsidered.org for their latest report, “Climate Change Reconsidered II: Physical Science."
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Monday, October 14, 2013
TRP! (10/11/13)
"Hail Columbus!...Hail Columbus!!!...Hail Columbus!!!!!"
We celebrate the great Solutreo Italian, Cristoforo Colombo! TRP reveres the legendary hero that returned our stolen land to us. "He of the First Blood" (formerly Frank of Queens) believes it is a simple case of race memory that drove the explorer west to reclaim Northern Solutrea for our people. A man of courage and integrity, he brilliantly used the trade winds to guide him on his bold and visionary journey into the unknown. Many countries and peoples have tried to lay claim to his legacy, from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Iceland, Africa, and even Jews like Simon Wiesenthal have tried to latch onto his greatness. He of the First Blood will stand for none of this nonsense and dispels many of the common Columbus myths, including those portrayed in Wiesenthal's book, Sails of Hope.... "That which was ours was ours again! Never to be taken from us again!"
The Foreign Occupier, Little Mugabe, seemingly models himself after a typical African dictator. It appears very few Republicans have the nerve to hold their ground against this modern day Caligula in the battle to defund Obama-scam and lower the debt. John applauds the efforts of the last two men standing in the senate, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. Two men of backbone, like the great Antonius, that asked the question, "is there not a man left in Rome??" Frank has had enough with the "Quisling" "Status Quo Republicans" and all their caving in. Enough is enough, they have stabbed the Tea Party in the back once too often. He says, "it's time for a change! This time, it's time for real change!"
Also, in an exchange unlike any you will hear on mainstream talk radio, sparks fly yet again between John of SI and John From Conn, as they hash out what needs to be done to save our once proud Republic!
Plus...Fix "the structure not the administrators!" by returning to the Principles of 98' ---that's 1798!...We don't have a problem of "administration of government," but, of "form of government."...The hypocrisy and contradiction of the Left!...Jane of WV gets her own theme music...Mass murderer Robert Mugabe honored in NY...Free Enterprise is power over nature, government is power over man...Would Hitler have risen to power with his original surname Schicklgruber?...Fear is the passion of slaves!...Limbaugh a huckster?...The Left's common use of the equivocation "never the less."...A Liberal wants diversity with everything, except when it comes to their preferred command and control style government!...Pinochet gave up power after seventeen years and had elections, its been over fifty years and we are still waiting for free and open elections in Cuba!...The Left is in their own Dracula movie, they cannot resist the constant urge to suck the blood of the "productive class."...Five hack appointed lawyers on the Supreme Court were never meant to be the final arbiter of our all our liberties!...We have turned into the "United State of Greater America."....The famous John of SI dictum is "never believe anything a Liberal says." John From Conn adds his own dictum, "never believe anything your government teaches you about history."...Obama tells America to take two aspirin and call him in the morning...your phone calls and much much more!!...718.761.9996!
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Also, in an exchange unlike any you will hear on mainstream talk radio, sparks fly yet again between John of SI and John From Conn, as they hash out what needs to be done to save our once proud Republic!
Plus...Fix "the structure not the administrators!" by returning to the Principles of 98' ---that's 1798!...We don't have a problem of "administration of government," but, of "form of government."...The hypocrisy and contradiction of the Left!...Jane of WV gets her own theme music...Mass murderer Robert Mugabe honored in NY...Free Enterprise is power over nature, government is power over man...Would Hitler have risen to power with his original surname Schicklgruber?...Fear is the passion of slaves!...Limbaugh a huckster?...The Left's common use of the equivocation "never the less."...A Liberal wants diversity with everything, except when it comes to their preferred command and control style government!...Pinochet gave up power after seventeen years and had elections, its been over fifty years and we are still waiting for free and open elections in Cuba!...The Left is in their own Dracula movie, they cannot resist the constant urge to suck the blood of the "productive class."...Five hack appointed lawyers on the Supreme Court were never meant to be the final arbiter of our all our liberties!...We have turned into the "United State of Greater America."....The famous John of SI dictum is "never believe anything a Liberal says." John From Conn adds his own dictum, "never believe anything your government teaches you about history."...Obama tells America to take two aspirin and call him in the morning...your phone calls and much much more!!...718.761.9996!
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Sunday, July 14, 2013
George the Atheist German Declaration of Independence Exclusive! (7/5/13)
![]() |
One of the only two remaining Steiner & Cist Broadsides |
George the Atheist, one of TRP's resident intellectuals, makes a historically ground breaking call to the show! For the last two years George and John from Conn have tried to answer a major historical mystery, that once solved, should put to bed once and for all the nagging issue of state sponsored multilingualism...The crux of the situation is: Did the 2nd Continental Congress pay the German printers Melchior Steiner and Carl Cist (as they famously did John Dunlap) to have the Declaration of Independence translated into German for Henrich Miller's popular Philadelphia Newspaper, the Pennsylvanischer Staatsbote? If they did, that sets the historical precedent firmly on the side of state sponsored multilingualism. But, if Steiner & Cist translated it on their own for Miller while conducting free enterprise (as George & John from Conn believe) then that clearly makes the case that all immigrant populations "should take care of their own" on such lingual matters without the aid of government funds!
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013
TRP! (6/21/13)
Frank is outraged by the Ministry of Lies' treatment of Paula Deen. He
points out that it is yet just another serial attack against white southerners.
He thinks she responded too quickly and panicked at their silly accusations of
racism for comments she made over 25 years ago under duress. Frank emailed the Food
network to tell them he will no longer be watching!
Both Frank and John feel suffocated by the ongoing Leftist oppression
orchestrated by the Foreign Occupier's illegal regime. John wakes up every
morning with a pit in his stomach knowing that the country he loves and fought for in Vietnam is slipping
away. They rightly feel that no one represents us anymore. The "Republi-can'ts"
are simply an echo not a choice. None of them are willing to do what is takes to
beat back socialism. Frank predicts the great societal upheaval is coming.
Trying to win national elections and hope a Republi-can't can be our savior is
no longer a realistic model for success. If Reagan couldn't do it, we can't
expect anyone to do it. It's time to throw out the national playbook and try
another way. The answer seems to be to restore the decentralized Republic which
existed before the War of Northern Aggression. Centralization leads to tyranny,
decentralization leads to liberty! The oppression we feel today is no different
then what the Southerners felt they were condemned with under the Lincoln regime.
Frank coins the term "classophobic"...TRP is education for the "productive class"...The little known early history of
socialist communities in the United States...Obama likely a drug addict..."Obamunism," chains we can believe in!...The
Corwin Amendment proves the Northerners did not go to war to end
slavery and that keeping slaves was not what truly motivated Southern secession...Thomas Jefferson's first inaugural must be read by every liberty
loving American!...James Madison "specifically rejects socialism" when Robert Owen shows up at his doorstep...The Declaration of Independence was a document of secession!...The World
War Z trailer looks like the current state of our borders...Socialist Brazil's society is
breaking down...John From Conn goes on an anti-Lincoln filibuster and pushes for the
new peaceful secession movement...Jared of Missouri and Paul from Sarasota talk about self-hating
Americans...Communist Angela Davis is wheeled out once again by the Left and
Frank tells us of when she essentially threatened to kill him!...Your phones calls and much much more at 1.718.761.9996!
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Saturday, June 1, 2013
Seth Grossman Interview (5/31/13)
Seth Grossman, the true conservative candidate in the race for New Jersey Governor joins John & Frank for an in depth interview. Seth is a graduate of Duke University, Temple Law School, and is a successful attorney from Atlantic City. He has been a wonderful advocate for Freedom and individual Liberty for over 30 years. He has founded the Chelsea neighborhood Association, the largest and most effective neighborhood organization in Atlantic City. He also founded the website LibertyandProsperity.org, an education organization that explains the meaning of New Jersey’s motto
and how only basic principles of American liberty can put an end to New Jersey’s
destructive “pay to play” political culture.
He also talks about Article 8 Section 2 of the NJ Constitution, which shows that the NJ debt is illegal and unconstitutional unless approved specifically by the voters of NJ. Also, that all laws have to treat everyone "equally" with no special favors or patronage for anyone. He properly believes that all unconstitutional debt should be repudiated!
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In 2008, he and Steve Lonegan, made national headlines
during "Sign Gate." When they displayed signs and distributed literature outside a
public “Town Hall Meeting” on a public sidewalk outside a public school to
oppose then Democrat Governor Jon Corzine's plan to mortgage the Parkway and Turnpike
and raise tolls by 700%. Police and public school officials instructed them to
stop, and they arrested both Lonegan and Grossman for “trespassing” when they
refused. The story outraged those in NJ and around the country. All charges were
eventually dropped and apologies given when video of the incident went on the
Internet. The continued public outrage over the incident helped lead to the defeat of
Corzine’s plan later that year—and Corzine’s re-election bid the following year.
Unfortunately for New Jersey, the Ministry of Lies "black out" against Seth Grossman continues. Proud Obama-backer, human Hindenburg, & false front conservative, Governor Chris Christie, is so entrenched on both sides of the isle that they refuse to cover Seth's honorable campaign!
Frank, John, & Seth cover a variety of pressing topics that need fixing to save NJ and the country from economic and societal collapse. Some are: the devaluing of our coinage/currency, reckless taxation and government spending, cronyism and pay to play, the "status quo" republicans, Atlantic City corruption, the three times Chris Christie "bailed out" Obama, and Seth's proper and prescient definition of Liberty.
Seth is one of the most intelligent politicians you will meet. He is down to earth and has quite a sense of humor. New Jersey would "only be so lucky" to have him! Grossman is far better qualified than Christie to shrink the size of government in NJ! Please visit his campaign site. Grossman4NJ.com.
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Saturday, May 4, 2013
Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum Interview! (5/3/13)
TRP welcomes Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum, a professor of anthropology from Idaho State University, and famous "Bigfoot enthusiast," to the program. He has recently authored, Sasquatch Field Guide (Folding Pocket Guide), a hefty brochure-style guide that is densely-packed with valuable information that
will aid field researchers, bigfooters, and Sasquatch buff's alike in their quest of finding and finally bringing back irrefutable proof of the elusive creature's existence.
He has followed the Bigfoot lore ever since he was a young man and clarifies that his curiosity about Bigfoot came about when he was 11 and watched Roger Patterson’s now famed film clip of an alleged Bigfoot trekking in to the woods.
Dr. Meldrum has written and published a number of academic papers including vertebrate evolutionary morphology, the emergence of bipedal locomotion in modern humans and Sasquatch and is a co-editor of a series of books on paleontology. Meldrum also co-edited From Biped to Strider: The Emergence of Modern Human Walking with Charles E. Hilton.
He has followed the Bigfoot lore ever since he was a young man and clarifies that his curiosity about Bigfoot came about when he was 11 and watched Roger Patterson’s now famed film clip of an alleged Bigfoot trekking in to the woods.
Frank attempts to conduct the interview by starting him off with some well thought out, empirically based, common sense anthropological questions, but, the interview spirals out of control when it's pointed out that almost all of the "non-footprint" Bigfoot evidence is simply "anecdotal." Frank asks the Dr. for "proof and not mystery" and he quickly became offended. Just like UFOlogist's, Bill Birnes and Stanton Friedman, Dr. Meldrum tried to rest his case on the dictum that "no evidence, does not mean there isn't evidence."
He was obviously expecting a fawning type "coast to coast" sycophant interview without any challenges, but, instead what he got was a solid dose of "The Right Perspective." Unlike the dozens of PhD's we have had on, Dr. Meldrum tried to take the position that John & Frank were "uninformed" and that they repeatedly made "ignorant argumentative assertions" or what he also called "pot shots." Frank asks him to explain why there is not one shred of evidence in the archaeological record of Bigfoot or of any other primates in our hemisphere? John asks, with all our modern technology, why are there "no clear pictures" as of yet to be offered up?...let alone skeletal remains turning up from these thousands of sightings? Instead of answering these simple questions, the Dr. decided to abruptly drop off the line before the interview was finished.

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He was obviously expecting a fawning type "coast to coast" sycophant interview without any challenges, but, instead what he got was a solid dose of "The Right Perspective." Unlike the dozens of PhD's we have had on, Dr. Meldrum tried to take the position that John & Frank were "uninformed" and that they repeatedly made "ignorant argumentative assertions" or what he also called "pot shots." Frank asks him to explain why there is not one shred of evidence in the archaeological record of Bigfoot or of any other primates in our hemisphere? John asks, with all our modern technology, why are there "no clear pictures" as of yet to be offered up?...let alone skeletal remains turning up from these thousands of sightings? Instead of answering these simple questions, the Dr. decided to abruptly drop off the line before the interview was finished.

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Dr. Albert C. Goodyear III Interview! (4/26/13)

Dr. Goodyear also quells rumors that the Topper Site had been contaminated by "wash" into the area. He goes on to state that at the mega conference his team will present a large quantity of stone tools which will squash further rumors that what they have uncovered at Topper are merely "naturally formed items" that only resemble man made tools.
Dr. Goodyear finds out, as all our esteemed guests quickly do, how serious we are about this subject. He knows now that the interview was not the typical overnight "coast to coast" or "ground zero" nut case interview where they try to talk to him about aliens crash landing in the distant past or the possible existence of dimensional beings. Frank, does though make him aware of his Solutrean "vision quests" and in the end "He of the First Blood" gets an invite to take a quest to the Topper site when ever he makes it down to the area!
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Monday, April 15, 2013
Dr. Michael Waters Interview! (4/12/13)
"World Solutrean Month" continues with another very distinguished guest! We are privileged to have on Dr. Michael Waters of the Center for the Study of the First Americans.
He is a coordinator for the archaeological mega conference, the PaleoAmerican Odyssey, to be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 17-19, 2013.
These scientific mega conferences are held only about once every 10 years and they bring together the leading experts in the field of "First Americans" archaeology. These decennial forums help to solidify the field and get them to critically examine, move forward, and accept potentially new and ground breaking research. The gatherings have been the catalyst that has allowed us to move beyond "Clovis" and break entrenched paradigms. Their main focus is to have in depth discussions about the evidence of the Ice Age colonization of the Americas. They will also present a treasure trove of amazing artifacts from key sites from all across the hemisphere!
Don't miss out on this historic conference, held at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center, the largest such gathering since the Clovis and Beyond Conference held in 1999! This conference is for everyone--archaeologists, avocational archaeologists, Quaternary scientists, students, the general public, and anyone interested in archaeology.
In attendance will be Dr. Dennis Stanford and Dr. Bruce Bradley, originators of the Solutrean Hypothesis! Also our recent guest, Dr Tom Dillehay will be there and many many more!
Dr. Waters breaks down for us the terminology, history, and meaning of "Clovis and Pre-Clovis" and talks about many of the archaeological sites he has visited and their scientific significance!
He also breaks the news that Kennewick man has finally been fully studied and a new book will be out shortly with the findings!
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He is a coordinator for the archaeological mega conference, the PaleoAmerican Odyssey, to be held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 17-19, 2013.
These scientific mega conferences are held only about once every 10 years and they bring together the leading experts in the field of "First Americans" archaeology. These decennial forums help to solidify the field and get them to critically examine, move forward, and accept potentially new and ground breaking research. The gatherings have been the catalyst that has allowed us to move beyond "Clovis" and break entrenched paradigms. Their main focus is to have in depth discussions about the evidence of the Ice Age colonization of the Americas. They will also present a treasure trove of amazing artifacts from key sites from all across the hemisphere!
Don't miss out on this historic conference, held at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center, the largest such gathering since the Clovis and Beyond Conference held in 1999! This conference is for everyone--archaeologists, avocational archaeologists, Quaternary scientists, students, the general public, and anyone interested in archaeology.
In attendance will be Dr. Dennis Stanford and Dr. Bruce Bradley, originators of the Solutrean Hypothesis! Also our recent guest, Dr Tom Dillehay will be there and many many more!
Dr. Waters breaks down for us the terminology, history, and meaning of "Clovis and Pre-Clovis" and talks about many of the archaeological sites he has visited and their scientific significance!
He also breaks the news that Kennewick man has finally been fully studied and a new book will be out shortly with the findings!
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Dr. Tom Dillehay Interview! (4/5/13)
Dillehay along with his distinguished interdisciplinary and international team,
consisting of dozens of scientists, has been hard at work for over 30 years at
the now famous site in Monte Verde, Chile. There they have helped uncover the true pre-history
of our hemisphere. Thanks to his team's exhaustive work they have finally upended once and for all the "pseudo religious orthodoxy" of the "Clovis
First" model. He recounts the tremendous amount of resistance they have faced
over the years from the "North American scientific establishment," who's careers,
paradigm, financial grants, and potential politics apparently motivated them to blockade any new or
ground breaking information on the subject.
average layman when they think of the world of archaeology and anthropology think
first of the Indiana Jones movies.... Obviously, things in the Doctor's real world
don't often get that exciting, but, Dr. Dillehay tells us some stories about the
scientific oppression he experienced that one would expect could only come straight out of Hollywood. Times like when he and members of his team were physically
threatened, shouted down, had their brake lines cut, jobs threatened, PhD's questioned, and even at one point
accused of being CIA agents that artificially created the entire site at Monte
impresses the good Dr. with a wide range of thought provoking questions that
include a wonderful analogy to the original Greek scientist, Anaximander, and
the similar struggles he faced breaking the orthodoxies and paradigms of ancient
times. Frank also brings up his own very personal ongoing search for our ancestors on his "Solutrean vision quests"
that have taken him to many archaeological sites around the United States! Dr. Dillehay wraps up the interview with news on some new sites around
South America and presents an intriguing thought as to how ancient mortuary
rituals may be the reason there is such a paucity of pre-Clovis skeletal
remains being found.
Check out Dr. Dillehay's book on Amazon.com here:
Settlement Of The Americas A New Prehistory
Check out Dr. Dillehay's book on Amazon.com here:
Settlement Of The Americas A New Prehistory

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Ashley Pratte Interview! (3/29/13)

The Executive Director of Cornerstone-Action and Cornerstone Policy Research, Ashley Pratte, joins John & Frank for a round table discussion that covers a wide array of social and political issues. She was featured recently in the NY Times article, Young Opponents of Gay Marriage Undaunted by Battle Ahead. She is a talented young conservative that gives John & Frank hope for our future. Cornerstone's divisions are non-partisan, non-profit and dedicated to preserving New Hampshire’s traditional values, limited government, and free markets through education, information, and advocacy. Their vision is to create an environment in which strong families—the foundation of our society—can lead New Hampshire and the Country into a new era of prosperity and strength.
Check out their Web site: Click Here:
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Sunday, March 10, 2013
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Sunday, January 20, 2013
TRP! (1/18/13)
Franks continues to show how the Left is laying the groundwork for
totalitarianism. The assault on the 2nd Amendment continues and the Left's feeding
frenzy is in full force. Dark Blue New York rushed to be the first to enact
draconian measures to limit the ability of all its "honest" citizens to protect themselves with
fire arms. The United States is ruled by the "Foreign Occupier," a "lame duck"
president that continually proves he is a monster. He has sunk to a dastardly new low by
using children as props in his sick political rouse to slowly chip away at our
"fundamental" rights. Frank rightly says that the Foreign Occupier hates the
country and his actions are nothing more than "political pedophilia!" All throughout history the
most vile dictators have used children as pawns while cloaking
themselves in benevolence and public safety. The main weapon in his arsenal has been to whip
up the "Eloi Class" with emotion, (the "Lotus-Eater" type drones that can't grasp the all encompassing evil he represents.) His criminal cohorts in DC and the ministry of
lies media are the means to his socialist ends.
John shows the Foreign Occupier to be the hypocrite he is by using firearms
to protect "his own children." He plays many great audio sound bites, including Texas
State representative, Steve Toth, and Linn county Oregon Sheriff, Tim Mueller's
heroic defenses of the 2nd amendment...John continues to distrust that
"Hindenberg" Chris Christie and vows never to vote for him!
The great Cheryl of NJ has been voted, "Queen of Talk Radio!"....Is it possible the Left is behind all these mass shootings?....Frank
properly defines "economic and social justice"....The history of our "Decentralized Republic" is explained and the principle of "State Sovereignty"
seems to be our last hope....The Jeffersonian/Madisonian
"strict construction" of the Constitution versus the Hamiltonian "living breathing document"....Our
rich culture, that has been built by many generations of the "Captains of
Industry" is under assault as the Left looks to return us to the Beringian stone
ages....The theory of "IDL", incrementally diminishing liberty....Always remember, "we cannot co-exist, cooperate, or compromise with the
Left!"....Your phone calls and much much more at 718.761.9996!
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