Sunday, April 30, 2023

A great young Solutrean!

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Why Tucker was taken out... Steve Bannon & Charlie Kirk discuss...

Why Tucker was taken out... Steve Bannon & Charlie Kirk discuss...

The coddled puppet leader...

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

We hope so...

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Who is the Real Fascist?

    This is an opportunity for Tucker Carlson to see who his friends truly are, and it’s no surprise that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez celebrated his departure from Fox News. New York’s favorite Latinx Barbie made sure to use the opportunity to discuss censoring any conservative commentary or news outlets. Her criticism of Tucker Carlson sounds as if AOC has taken a page out of the Kamala Harris book, “Public Speaking is Like Talking in Public for Those Who want to Learn How to Speak Good in Front of People Who Want to Hear You Speak Good in Front of Them in Public”. Thank God the publishers edited and shortened the title. Here is AOC, “Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News -couldn’t have happened to a better guy. What I will say though, is while I’m very glad that the person who is arguably responsible for the, some of the, largest driving some of the most amounts of death threats and violent threats and violent threats not just to my office, but to plenty of people across the country. I also kind of feel like I’m like waiting for the cutscene at the end of a Marvel movie after all the credits have rolled, and then you see like the villain’s like hand, re-emerge out to grip over like the end of a building or something, but deplatforming works, and it is important and there you go. Good things can happen.” Yikes. I almost hope she was drunk when she made the comment, because at least that would be a viable excuse but sadly, I don’t think she was. I refuse to resort to any ad hominem arguments that the left usually hurls at conservatives like racist, sexist, misogynist, bigot, transphobe, homophobe, and fascist. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a fascist and I have too much evidence.

    AOC has more wisdom than you about, well, everything. You do not deserve the right to protect yourself and should stop hiding behind the 2nd Amendment. AOC will argue that guns kill more children in the United States than heart disease and Shark attacks combined. (Statistically, more children die in car accidents than gun violence, but they aren’t fighting to reduce speed limits or take away your car.) Interestingly, more children die on the steps of the abortion mill, but you rarely hear any leftist politician discuss that. Why do they call abortion healthcare when they are essentially killing a baby? Doesn’t matter, the government knows better than you, give up your guns, save lives!

    AOC wants to strip you of your gas cars and gas stoves. Electric cars are much better for the environment, until you see how they rape the earth to mine the minerals for your battery. The good news is the government will soon be able to control all electric cars through AI, so if they don’t want you to go anywhere, they will successfully make your EV a paperweight. With all vehicles registered, they can shut that down and lock it while you’re in it until the FBI arrives. Don’t step out of line and have a gas-powered car, they will create an accident, and since the government controls the insurance companies, your gas-powered car will be totaled because “parts are unavailable”. Don’t think that can’t happen because it’s already happening.

    AOC wants to strip you of your freedom of speech. The mere presence of a conservative is triggering for AOC, and a conservative viewpoint is a threat of violence. Question: In the past few years, how many violent protests have occurred in this country because of conservative talking points, I would argue (successfully) zero. How many violent protests and demonstrations have occurred in the United States from liberal or leftist ideologies? 570 in 2020, and we are only going to see that number increase. Those “mostly peaceful” protests are never condemned by the left. Millions of dollars in property damage and the evacuations of liberal cities will continue. How long before cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and New York resemble Detroit? These bastions of liberalism are the death nell of freedom and the people fleeing are proof.

    AOC doesn’t want you free, she wants you controlled. Without freedom of speech, you cannot speak out against an oppressive government, and they will control what you say, what you read, and what you write. Without the freedom to provide for your family, you will rely on the government for assistance, and they will control how much you have and what you can and can’t own. Without guns you can’t protect yourself from an oppressive government, and they will control every aspect of your life, even your death. AOC doesn’t want you free, she wants you controlled. So, who then is the real fascist? The only thing AOC is missing is the jack boots and the uniforms, she already has the rabid unreasonable mob, and the mustache (it’s time to wax, AOC, you’re starting to look like Dylan Mulvaney). Next step is book burning and demonizing the Christian religion, wait, is she already doing that? She has been asked to participate in a debate by many people and she refuses. No one seeks to silence her, but she wants to silence all of you. So, who is the real fascist? 

 Stay Strong My Friends.

 Aaron from GA

The Final Straw for the Establishment...

If only there was an open mind on the Left...

The power of Big Pharma...

Monday, April 24, 2023

Everyone Needs a Scapegoat...

    As many of you have already read, Tucker Carlson is no longer employed at Fox News. This coming a week after the settlement with Dominion Voting Systems and Fox. There have been reports that Tucker had privately criticized President Trump in email and text messages yet devoted an entire program interviewing President Trump. Carlson was also responsible for airing the unedited footage from January 6th to show how nonviolent the protest was until some “allegedly” planted government agents assisted in taking the protest to the next level. Have they found those unnamed citizens yet? Bizarre right. They can find people in costumes and face paint, but they can’t determine who that guy is in the hat? We aren’t sure about the identity of another person, he isn’t holding his FBI credentials in front of him and he’s wearing a different shirt, can’t ID him, sorry. 

    Now Fox is going to continue to slide ever slightly to the left and parade a bevy of uninteresting substitutes that aren’t controversial and also won’t report the unvarnished truth. Tune in at 8 to a program that will start by saying, “Our government is great! You can trust them!” Fox needs to send someone to the desk that has the fortitude to say, “Our country is great, but can you trust the government?” Uh, no. I didn’t agree with Tucker on everything, but I don’t live in an echo chamber, and I’m not propped up by groupthink. I hope there are people that disagree with what I write because that means you’re thinking; you’re wrong, but think a little longer and you’ll come around (just kidding by the way). Right now, there is a man in the White House, that if you put on the teleprompter to read “I identify as a mango” he would not only read it but believe it. Then in his “folksy” wisdom, spin a yarn about his dear old dad calling him mango growing up and that he passed that nickname to his crack addicted son. About that time, his handlers lead him away from the podium while he defiantly goes in the opposite direction, only to realize that he got lost on a stage while he’s looking for ice cream. The closer that family gets to indictments, and the closer “Mango” gets to senility, the family will turn on him and drop all of the blame on him.

    I would have loved to see Tucker break the story of the Biden family being indicted for influence peddling to our enemies. Alas, Tucker will have to do that freelance, and Tucker, if you happen to read this, I beg you, please, don’t go to CNN. Don Lemon, he’s always trying to “one up” a story, has also said that he’s been fired from CNN. I know they have a spot open, but please, have some self-respect and don’t make a bad situation worse. I can honestly say that I would rather be unemployed than work for CNN, I would probably have more viewers if I were unemployed, but that’s another story. Bud Light, CNN, Fox News, the Biden family will all eventually take a page out of the Clinton book of politics and eliminate the loose ends. They may not take it to the extreme as the Clintons, but everyone needs a scapegoat. 

 Stay Strong My Friends. 

Aaron from GA 

Corporate sell outs to Chi-naa...

Zero reason to watch Fox ever now!!

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Go woke go broke... and get canned!

Friday, April 21, 2023



The definition of fascism...

Thursday, April 20, 2023

All starting to unravel...

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Nothing to hear here... move on...

MTG has fire in her red blood!

Racial justice warriors...

Monday, April 17, 2023


It Never Ends...

Sunday, April 16, 2023

It Could Happen: What If…

    I don’t really put too much stock in conspiracy theories, but after a while things begin to add up. The American people have been distracted by an internal house keeping issue with the rise of transgenderism. I started asking myself why the sudden push in recent years for an ideology that would go against the homosexual community. The LGB community believes that this is how you are born, you don’t choose to be gay, but in the trans community it’s all about how you feel. (Don’t jump off the thread yet, this isn’t a gay or trans piece. I think we’ve seen too much of that recently, thanks Dylan.) The alphabet community keeps expanding and applying labels to everyone including men and women. (I refuse to be called a “cisgender man.” I’m a man, you demand I call you whatever you want but refuse to respect me? Thanks) The pride flag has expanded to include the colors of the Ukrainian flag, but I find that curious since it is illegal to be homosexual in the Ukraine. Which brings me to the topic of the day, why is the US government so interested in the Ukraine? There must be more to it than NATO, right?
    The US government has made it their mission to prop up the Ukrainian people with money and military armament. The Ukrainian leadership was caught embezzling some of the financial aid that the US has supplied. Yet, the US continues to send money to a country that continues to “lose” it. This is similar to an insurance scam. You can’t successfully complete the scam without two parties being involved. I would suggest that we are witnessing an elaborate money laundering scheme from our beloved officials. $1.7 trillion dollars to the Ukrainian people. How much will go back to rebuilding their infrastructure, to their people, or to the bank accounts of their government officials and ours? Some of our officials push the agenda to supply money to Ukraine and in return they receive a healthy sum in the offshore bank of their choosing. Have you ever wondered how our officials retire from a lifetime of service with millions in the bank off of a $150,000 per year salary? Where does all of this extra scratch come from? How much foreign aid does our government dole out every year on our dime? I’m all for helping but seriously, what are we doing? What if we took one year off? One year. One year where we didn’t send any money in aid out of the country. One year where we didn’t allow migrants to stay, just sent them back. One year when states are required to balance their budget and spend within their means. One year when our officials leave office with the same amount of money that they came in with. One year where our government doesn’t plant people in crowds to instigate scenarios like riots in our cities or dare I say January 6th. (The left is quick to dramatize those convicted from the January 6th tour of the capital, but why are there a few unnamed agitators that haven’t been exposed? Curious.) One year without our government lying to us for their benefit. One full year of transparent accountability from our elected officials. One year that my taxes don’t pay for someone’s abortion, transition surgery, or residency. One year when everyone can handle their business and I can handle mine. One year when the government can mind their business and stay out of mine. On a plane, a passenger is supposed to put their oxygen mask on before they help others, in the event the plane loses pressure. So why is the United States sending out money to other countries when we are in the midst of our own death rattle whilst we are hemorrhaging from our own financial crisis?
    It is time for our officials to be held accountable and stop laundering money through other countries. We used to be the standard around the world, the place where everyone wanted to go. Now we have a president that doesn’t know where he’s going, can’t string two sentences together without a teleprompter, and sounded the most comfortable when he was conversing with some drunk Irishmen only the president wasn’t drunk, go figure. If most of our elected officials ran a business or a household like they run our country they would be in jail, so why do have two different standards? What if we hold them accountable for what the Constitution stands for and punish them for their greed and lies? It could happen… 

Stay strong my friends.
Aaron from GA

Friday, April 14, 2023

Way to go Ted!


Leftist double standards...

Leftist double standards...

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Real J6 crimes...

Real J6 crimes...


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Besides this, everything is looking great in the USA...

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


DJT mugshot revealed....

Monday, April 3, 2023

Unequal justice...

The greatest President Past Present & Future fingerprinted!!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Stating the obvious...

No vision...


  Well, it finally happened. They finally have an indictment against President Trump. The indictment is sealed but there is already speculation from both parties that this is political weaponization from the DA’s office. Many prominent law professors have expressed the lack of substance to the indictments and Alan Dershowitz went on to say, “any first-year student could win this case if the name wasn’t Donald Trump and if it wasn’t in Manhattan. The case has to get out of Manhattan.” That appears to be the problem. The left has spread so many lies about President Trump he is already guilty based on his name alone. The left lacks any vision when they think of these schemes that weaponize a political office against its citizens. You can see this from the reaction of the indictments from the left, popping champagne corks and fitting President Trump with his orange jumpsuit. I don’t see this going to trial and there are two very good reasons why. 

 1. Most Americans see this for what it is, a political circus. If America wasn’t the brunt of countless jokes based on Biden’s inept performance since he took office, wait until you see what happens when the indictments are available after arraignment. Attempting to tarnish a previous president with bogus charges ahead of an election is a typical day at the office for the left. 30 charges on the indictment, I wonder how many of those are going to stick? This has the potential to backfire in a colossal way. President Trump has been out of office for 2 plus years and the media hasn’t stopped talking about him. This indictment won’t sway President Trump’s base, they will be loyal. The left will not pivot and will be just as rabid as ever, just the mere mention of President Trump’s name can send the left into a frenzy. (I can see their red faces now, all contorted under their beret’s, gently contrasted by their green Che Guevera shirts. I will say this about the left, they do color coordinate.) This attempt will show independent voters just how far the left will go to eliminate a political opponent. Bold prediction: when the charges against President Trump are dropped how many riots and marches will there be by the left? I say three. They are already getting their “no justice no peace” signs ready. 

 2. Before this goes to trial someone from the Clinton Foundation will sit down with Alvin Bragg and tell him not to open this door. If they move to trial on President Trump, when can we expect a trial on the Clinton’s. Wasn’t Bill Clinton under scrutiny for paying off Juanita Broaddick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey, (there are more) while he was the governor of Arkansas, or was it Hillary who paid them off? I would argue that it was Hillary. She has always been more politically ambitious than Bill. She has the ambition, but she lacks the personality, empathy, and rationality of a leader. (Side note: has anyone noticed the similarities between Hillary and Kamala? They both slept with disgusting people to further their career, they both were attorneys that could construct a word salad that made people wonder they were talking about, and they both have a cackle that can chill a vampire’s blood. A piece for another day perhaps.) If Bragg opens this door, there is nothing stopping another ambitious DA from bringing charges against Bill and Hillary. Where is the Epstein flight list anyway? Oops. When an investigation is opened against the Clintons, I wonder how deep the investigation will go? They all can’t commit suicide by multiple gunshot wounds, I wonder how many times Bill went to Epstein’s Island during Hillary’s campaign in 2016? I wonder how many other women were paid off by the Clintons, was Monica Lewinsky the only woman Bill took advantage of as president? My guess, no. Monica is the only one we found out about, the others received a generous donation from the Clinton Foundation to finish high school and go to the university of their choosing. 

  On one hand, I was furious at the indictments against President Trump, but on the other I can see the possibilities against other politicians that took advantage of their office. This is common for the left; they don’t plan and have no forethought. Let’s cancel the Keystone Pipeline, it won’t do anything to energy prices. Let’s raise the debt ceiling again, it can’t negatively impact inflation. Time and time again they push for something without thinking of the outcome and more importantly the consequences. The left lives in the moment with no regard for the future, and that’s why everyone else is beholden to their bad policies and actions, because they don’t have to follow them and they have no vision. 

Stay strong my friends.
Aaron from GA