AOC has more wisdom than you about, well, everything. You do not deserve the right to protect yourself and should stop hiding behind the 2nd Amendment. AOC will argue that guns kill more children in the United States than heart disease and Shark attacks combined. (Statistically, more children die in car accidents than gun violence, but they aren’t fighting to reduce speed limits or take away your car.) Interestingly, more children die on the steps of the abortion mill, but you rarely hear any leftist politician discuss that. Why do they call abortion healthcare when they are essentially killing a baby? Doesn’t matter, the government knows better than you, give up your guns, save lives!
AOC wants to strip you of your gas cars and gas stoves. Electric cars are much better for the environment, until you see how they rape the earth to mine the minerals for your battery. The good news is the government will soon be able to control all electric cars through AI, so if they don’t want you to go anywhere, they will successfully make your EV a paperweight. With all vehicles registered, they can shut that down and lock it while you’re in it until the FBI arrives. Don’t step out of line and have a gas-powered car, they will create an accident, and since the government controls the insurance companies, your gas-powered car will be totaled because “parts are unavailable”. Don’t think that can’t happen because it’s already happening.
AOC wants to strip you of your freedom of speech. The mere presence of a conservative is triggering for AOC, and a conservative viewpoint is a threat of violence. Question: In the past few years, how many violent protests have occurred in this country because of conservative talking points, I would argue (successfully) zero. How many violent protests and demonstrations have occurred in the United States from liberal or leftist ideologies? 570 in 2020, and we are only going to see that number increase. Those “mostly peaceful” protests are never condemned by the left. Millions of dollars in property damage and the evacuations of liberal cities will continue. How long before cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and New York resemble Detroit? These bastions of liberalism are the death nell of freedom and the people fleeing are proof.
AOC doesn’t want you free, she wants you controlled. Without freedom of speech, you cannot speak out against an oppressive government, and they will control what you say, what you read, and what you write. Without the freedom to provide for your family, you will rely on the government for assistance, and they will control how much you have and what you can and can’t own. Without guns you can’t protect yourself from an oppressive government, and they will control every aspect of your life, even your death. AOC doesn’t want you free, she wants you controlled. So, who then is the real fascist? The only thing AOC is missing is the jack boots and the uniforms, she already has the rabid unreasonable mob, and the mustache (it’s time to wax, AOC, you’re starting to look like Dylan Mulvaney). Next step is book burning and demonizing the Christian religion, wait, is she already doing that? She has been asked to participate in a debate by many people and she refuses. No one seeks to silence her, but she wants to silence all of you. So, who is the real fascist?
Stay Strong My Friends.
Aaron from GA