Saturday, January 6, 2024

Relisten to our tremendous 1/8/21 show as everything we said was and is being vindicated!

  • "SAY HER NAME!" Ashli Babbitt. "SAY HER NAME!!" Ashli Babbitt. "SAY HER NAME!!!' Ashli Babbitt.
  • "Unarmed White Woman," 14-year Navy Veteran and Patriot Ashli Babbitt is slain in "the People's House!!!" ...Gunned down in cold blood!!! ...Warning shot? Rubber bullets?? Tear Gas??? Crowd Control???? ...Where was any of the same treatment that Antifa or Only Black Lives Matter got!?!? ...She was not carrying a Molotov Cocktail, she was not there for violence, she was not trying to destroy or burn down businesses, police stations, & Federal Buildings!!! ...She was there for justice for the American People & the Republic!!! ...Standing up against the fraudulent and illegal action that was taking place behind those doors!!! ...Making her and our voices heard before the "Deep State Democrat/RINO Establishment" STEAL culminated!!!
  • The Capitol Police are a disgrace to the Republic as they lose control of the Patriotic Protest... ...It seems that it was a preplanned & coordinated inside job and setup to allow a small minority of Antifa, OBLM, Leftist agitators, Anarchists, Conspiracy Theorists, and Alex Jones type rabble to take over & distract away from the theft of the Republic and to end the perfectly legal Senate & House contestation of the Electoral vote!!! ...Officers took selfies with the Protestors, waved people into the house, removed fences and barricades, and generally retreated instead of lining people up and allowing them to peacefully protest in and outside of "their House..."
  • All the way back to the Founding of the Republic NO AMERICAN CITIZEN IS BANNED FROM ENTERING THE PEOPLE'S HOUSE!!! ...It is up to the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House and Senate to keep any crowd of Americans peacefully assembled if they decide to be there or to protest!!! ..."POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!"
  • How dare the Leftist Scum say our heroic President incited violence!!! ...DJT CALLED FOR A PEACEFUL & PATRIOTIC MARCH TO CAPITOL!!!
  • The 2 Georgia Senate races were stolen as well!!! ...Cowering Kelly Loeffler jumps ship to protect her and her husband's globalist money (Jeffrey C. Sprecher CEO of Intercontinental Exchange)... ...The Republican Georgia Legislators that allowed this to happen "once again" are a disgrace as well!!!
  • OH NO... ...Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chow resigns as Secretary of Transportation... Good Riddance to all Deep State actors!!!
  • Making DC a State is Unconstitutional... It was made an "impartial & politcally neutral district" for very obvious and specific reasons...
  • Facial recognition firm shows antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who entered Capitol...
  • Never believe the first account by the Ministry of Lies... ....At least one busload of non-DJT supporting thugs infiltrated the Peaceful Protest...
  • TRP CONTRIBUTORS, the Great Nicolette & Steve give us their First Hand Account of the Patriot Protest in DC!!! ...They confirm Ashli Babbitt was murdered while DJT was still at the Washington monument!!!
  • The "Neo-Bolsheviks" complete censorship of DJT and the People is ALMOST HERE... Parler is shockingly removed from Apple and Google stores... ...Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and more of the BIG TECH cabal completely censor your President... ...Should he use the Emergency Broadcast system while he still can!?!?
  • The Great Conspiracy Against the Republic is Almost Complete... ...Nancy Pelosi's laptop is taken (among others)... The entrenched deep state devils (Left & Right) are afraid... they are very afraid, hence their last minute impeachment push... ...General McInerny speaks out as our time runs out...
  • Two Objectivists clash!!! ...George the Atheist & John From Conn strongly disagree over the magnitude of the events that have befallen our once great Republic...
  • Vince "the Prophet of NJ RETURNS!!!"
  • Queen Cheryl calls in early... Matty's Friday Night schedule is thrown into disarray...
  • Tucker Carlson speaks out against "peaceful separation" from these Leftist Devils on his (1/6/21) show!!! ...A DIRECT SHOT AT TRP (12/18/20 show) & THE PEACE MOVEMENT!!! ...(The Soviet Union can peacefully break up!!! Great Britain can leave the EU peacefully... But we the supposed freest country on earth must forever stick it out together and take the oppression no matter how bad it ever gets... Until death do us part he says... LOL TUCKER...) 

Live Friday's 8:00 Eastern. Your Phone Calls and much much more!!! @ 1-718-761-9996!