Thursday, August 31, 2023

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Just unreal...

If only the average mope understood this...

Clearly explains why those looking to disqualify DJT are clueless to Constitutional law...

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Cultural Revolution Neo-Bolshevik style...

Friday, August 25, 2023

Keeps feeling like victory...

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Rallying cry!

Vice President Lake...

They been doing black men like this for years...

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

There is no debate!

Must watch to truly understand J6...

Say Amen...

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Peaceful resistance. Do not comply...

Leftists always overstay their welcome...

If true...

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Friday, August 18, 2023

What Did You Call Me?!


    I don’t know if everyone has heard but they passed a law in Michigan that makes it a felony to misgender someone, but this bill is so much more. I fault conservative news outlets for not showing this in it’s full context. I am going to attach a link, so you can read the whole bill. It’s worth a read, bring a wipe, you’ll need it for this steaming pile. Yes, I believe that this bill is unconstitutional but since it’s already passed, let’s discuss what people in Michigan can do.

    First, Christians, Muslims, Jews and other religious leaders must come together for a common cause, protecting religious belief. One section of this Bill does state, “A person is guilty of a hate crime if that person maliciously and intentionally does any of the following to an individual based in whole or in part on an actual or perceived characteristic of that individual listed in subsection (2), regardless of the existence of any other motivating factor.” Now, this appears to be some fluff passed by a political party that only adds “hate crime” language to normal day-to-day disagreements, but conservatives can use this bill against the elitist left to showcase liberal hypocrisy at its best is against religion.

Religious leaders should organize peaceful protests against anything that they do not agree with and watch the left implode. All religious leaders need to do is make signs like “Abortion is murder” or “There are only two genders under God” or “School should be the place for education, not indoctrination,” and the brittle left will surely attack with a number of slurs and hateful rage. As we’ve seen in the past, they do not have a solid argument so they will resort to violence. One of the categories under this bill, surprisingly, is religion. Since the left is emotionally incapable of having a meaningful, productive conversation with anyone they disagree with, like a toddler without a toy, they exhibit violent tendencies to get their way. This emotionally and intellectually shallow approach to life, results in a generation of spoiled brats that we cater to or else they’ll harm themselves. I do not condone violence, but I will take some verbal and even physical abuse from the left to watch them get arrested and beat them at their own game. Conservatives have never been for name calling, but that is exactly what the left loves to do. It’s time to beat them at their own game, but are there any downsides?

    Absolutely there are downsides. We already know that the lawmakers in the state of Michigan are going to strictly uphold the law for some groups while turning a blind eye to the abuse of others. Religious leaders should have attorneys on retainer when they refuse to uphold this constitutional violation on their behalf. Like other spoiled children, legislators have given in to a woke ideology because they were kicking and screaming like a kid that didn’t get their ice cream cone at Disney World. The conservative side of the aisle is accustomed to hearing “deal with it” when things don’t go their way, now it’s time that conservatives show how bad this bill is by using this bill against the left. Religious persecution is alive and well in America, and as long as there is a camera rolling at an event where all you are doing is holding a sign, you can take that evidence to the police and if they don’t file charges, you can sue the state.

    Another downside is that you will most assuredly be assaulted. We know the left has little self-control. That translates into violence when their arguments are proven to be hypocritical, illogical, or unconstitutional. That’s why there is so much violence from the left, they hate to be called and proven a liar. Conservatives aren’t always correct, but the beauty of conservativism is that they test their belief systems in the crucible of truth and what survives are hardened like steel. What is determined to be untrue is burned away and discarded. We trim the fat of our beliefs, sometimes it’s emotional, but it is a difficult and introspective look at who we are and what we aspire to be based on what we have proven to be true. I’m sure that the left thinks they believe the same way but they fail to put their beliefs to the test. The only people remaining on the left are the emotional bullies that push others around to believe their lies, and the cowards who refuse to speak even the smallest portion of truth. So, the next time you are encountering a group of Antifa or violent leftists in Michigan, stay calm, stick out your chin, and say, “what did you call me?” Then take your punch like a man, or a trans-woman and keep the camera rolling.

Stay salty my friends. 

Aaron from GA

Oh how shocking...

GA corruption...

Fight back!!

Globalist power...

Ask not...

Dark age...

Time for another DJT indictment?!?!

Thursday, August 17, 2023

He has some big peaches!

Monday, August 14, 2023

Our fearless leader...

Not surprised at all...

Opps! Rigged!!

We are not laughing...

Perfect excuse for them to assume more power and control...

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Full family statement...

Nothing to see here election deniers...

Friday, August 11, 2023

It’s a Trap!


    There is so much going on in society today that we all must be aware of. Each non-issue that the mainstream media chooses to push in our face is a distraction from the myriad of problems they want us to ignore. For example, did they come out and say UFOs are real? Why? For starters, there is now more evidence of Biden corruption, but not enough evidence with bank records, eyewitness testimony, and audio recordings of negotiations to impeach or indict. They have done more with far less with President Trump. In my humble opinion, they want to tear down ALL of our institutions and rebuild them in their image. No longer one nation under God, but one nation under Marx or Lenin. I want to touch on something today that will be unpopular but hopefully make us all take a step back and think.

    First, I want to (briefly) talk about the U.S. women’s soccer team and their early exit from the world cup. I commend every woman on that team because I know the hard work, sacrifice, and level of dedication one needs to reach an elite level of competition in any sport. I wish that I didn’t have to hear any of their personal or political viewpoints because they are paid to play soccer, but regardless of my opinion or how I feel toward them personally, I rooted for the team. I heard a prominent television personality brag that they were rooting for them to lose. I understand how people can feel that way, I do. Let me caution us on why we shouldn’t. It is a trap.

    Why are you actively rooting against the team that represents the country you love? Because you don’t like who is representing them at the moment. I’m sorry, but that is leftist ideology 101. If the left doesn’t agree with a small percentage of something, they feel it necessary to tear it all down and start over. The left only knows how to destroy, the only thing the left has ever created is problems. I refuse to bend a knee to identity politics and to actively root against the team that represents the country I love. This is sliding in the wrong direction. We cannot adopt the tactic of the left; conservatives will be the ones that lose. The left is not good at much, but they are good at making conservatives compromise their beliefs and move the line. Even though I do not agree with Megan Rapinoe, she is an American and has the fundamental right to voice her opinion. She may not agree that I have the right to voice mine, and because she may lack the honor and integrity to allow me to voice my opinion, I will not erode the foundations of my character to allow her to irritate me in a way to change the core of my beliefs. The trap that conservatives fall into is buying into compromising our beliefs to find common ground. We don’t have much common ground remaining. The goal isn’t for us to change to accommodate their bad behavior or ideology but to move their line in our direction for once. Please don’t give in and root against our country because of a few bad representatives. Stop moving the line, we’ve compromised enough. Conservatives must look at even the smallest issues like a Clinton staffer picking up documents down a dark alley, it’s a trap.

Stay strong my friends. 

Aaron from GA

More of the same...

It is already predetermined...

A little redemption...


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Nancy Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra discussing J6...



More of our Fedsurrection...

Nothing to see here election deniers...

Monday, August 7, 2023


Justice & liberty!


Sunday, August 6, 2023

The Leftist geniuses circa 1972...

As we said... J6 was a Fedsurrection!

Friday, August 4, 2023

Yet another smoking gun...

An honest patriot...

3 AM vote dumps are not features of “free and fair” elections...

Any rational person...

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

There are no coincidences...

Anatomy of a coup...

Here is what fair and impartial looks like...

From the Great American Hero...