Thursday, December 29, 2022

Chip Roy 2028...

Monday, December 26, 2022

A true Christmas miracle...😂

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Rand Paul, Twas the Night...

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Chip Roy 2028!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

What a sham this all truly was... You have to be a fool to have fallen for any bit of it...


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

As we said, all a set up!

Monday, December 19, 2022

Elon to stay on...

Vile Bill Maher actually spot on once in a blue moon...

So true...

Twittergate part 7!

Deep State tentacles...

Where there is Neo-Bolshevik smoke there is Communist fire!

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Twittergate 6...

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Stop the Steal 2.0!

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Disgusting Neo-Bolsheviks...

Monday, December 5, 2022

Disgusting fat body's niece thinks the rules are for thee not for me...

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Leftists tyranny on the march...

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Completely normal. Nothing to see here. Carry on. Everything is fine...

The tyranny of the Left...

Monday, November 28, 2022

The Uni-party...

Continuing to unravel the January 6th faux insurrection...

Stop the steal 2.0!

Chiii-na's society breaking down...

FTX on Steroids: Is “Tether” the Biden World’s Crypto BCCI?

FTX on Steroids: Is “Tether” the Biden World’s Crypto BCCI?

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Part Deux...

Happy Squanto Day from TRP!

She can't so easily dismiss the African reporter!

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Thanks James!

A Chip off TRP's block...

Friday, November 18, 2022

Hear! Hear!! 12-year old Jeffersonian explains how to save the Productive Class in Canada and the United States!

Hear! Hear!! 12-year old Jeffersonian explains how to save the Productive Class in Canada and the United States!

Nothing to see here... move on!

The cure?? Reparations!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

REPORTER SUSPENDED... Original video for those that missed it...

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Congrats "election integrity" deniers...

Typical Neo-Bolshevik elite lining own pockets

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Sick corrupt devils...

The answer is...

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Woke Republicant's...

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Here we go again...

Here we go again...

Here we go again...

Here we go again...

Sunday, November 6, 2022


Saturday, November 5, 2022

(NBC) Neo-Bolshevik-C*ck suckers...

Protest led by Ron from Joliet!

Elective despotism...

The Neo-Bolshevik idea of "drama..."

The BLM can can...

Friday, November 4, 2022

Nothing to worry about here... Go deny something else...

Monday, October 31, 2022

These people are insane...

Leftist Fascism...

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Thank you Lizzie!

Writing on the wall...

Friday, October 28, 2022

Before the "Ministry of Lies" puts a red MAGA hat on him...

Hail Elon!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Ministry of Lies...

"The Supreme Court found that being vaccinated 'does not' stop the spread of COVID-19"

Monday, October 24, 2022

Look at the mess his "handlers" got him into now...

3rd Wurrrld Bolshevism...

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Let's talk about "Voter Integrity" deniers...

The Cheka checking in...

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Do Politicians Make the Best Leaders?

Do Politicians Make the Best Leaders?


  I want to start with a disclaimer, I am writing this to specifically take a poke at voters, and who we decide is best equipped to lead. I don’t want to start too negatively, but what are we doing? Seriously, at what point do we say, “enough is enough”? Our elected officials must do better. What is your vision? What is your plan? Where are you taking us? These aren’t unreasonable questions to ask, so why does no one have the answer or attempt to answer the question? Is anyone asking the questions? I can give you real answers to all of these questions, versus what we are told, and I’m sure that the answers won’t surprise you.

  What is your vision? This is a very broad question and one that every leader will attempt to answer and show us what that leader’s priorities are. Do they begin with education, infrastructure, defense, energy, or are they parroting talking points from a cable news channel. Do they have unique and original insight into current issues that need to be addressed or is it Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. If we give most of the politicians in America truth serum, the answer to the stated question would be “to get re-elected, the next election is only 4 years away, I need to get started!” That answer usually begins subtly on the campaign trail with a five-year plan during a four-year term, issues are too big to fix in one term you know.

  The harsh reality we face is that the people we elect don’t have vision at all; that they don’t care about you and the concerns that you deal with daily, really, they care about getting re-elected. This is supremely evident in every political commercial that we see or hear. I rarely hear anyone say why they would be good for the position, but why the other person would be bad for that position. This political tactic won’t change until the voters demand a different approach from those running the campaign. Why do we vote for someone without a vision? Would you hire an architect without a vision for your building, or hire a chef without a concept for your menu? Then why do we elect officials with a “status quo” approach? Currently we have so many politicians with no plan as their plan, that the American public can scarcely discern that the walls are crumbling on top of them.

  The problems in front of us are real, and we are relegated to electing politicians that are rarely equipped to lead us towards a collective vision. A politician can’t seem to articulate any vision because they are too busy walking the tightrope for re-election. We need leaders and managers, but we are stuck with a room full of politicians. Aren’t they all the same thing, leaders, managers, and politicians? Leaders and managers have distinct roles and responsibilities, and politicians can incorporate the qualities of either or even both. To say that politicians fall short is a gross understatement, they are a breath away from abject failure because they lack the character or fortitude to maintain or raise a standard.

  First, let’s unpack some differences between leaders, managers, and politicians. Leaders have a critical role in our process, they need to develop a vision to propel a group or organization into the future, and to clearly communicate that vision to others. Simon Sinek said, “There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it, or you can inspire it.” I cannot remember the last time I felt that inspired by one of our politicians, but there is plenty of evidence that they attempt to manipulate citizens with half-truths and misinformation. Managers are then put in place to achieve a well communicated vision. Managers work cooperatively with leaders, and both roles are vital to success. Once managers are in place, they will coordinate the details to accomplish the vision. Leaders communicate and inspire the need for change, managers work towards the vision, so what do politicians do?

  Simply put, politicians compromise the integrity of any vision, they cannot help it, it’s like second nature to them. This seems harsh, but that is also the reality of things. I know what you’re thinking, “A politician needs to compromise sometimes to get anything done.” That’s a fair point, but over the years our politicians have made compromise after compromise on decisions from education to defense, to our detriment but not theirs. A politician’s vision is consistent, raise taxes to pay for programs or whatever they need to get re-elected. Compromise isn’t bad right; it’s how things get done. Let’s do a small exercise to illustrate this.

  Stand up and put both arms out straight in front of you. Now, bend your knees slightly and hold. Continue to incrementally lower yourself about a quarter of an inch at a time, make sure to stop after each quarter of an inch. Continue to lower yourself into a chair position and hold that position maintaining your arms straight out in front of you. Next, lower yourself incrementally until your backside is on the floor with your arms straight out in front of you and your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Take a second to rest, then, with your arms straight out and your feet flat, stand up. Don’t push yourself off the floor, don’t let someone help you, but stand up using your own power and grounded feet. At any point before you hit the ground, you had an opportunity to notice that you felt that you were headed in the wrong direction and change course. With minimal effort at the beginning, we could have straightened our legs and stand up tall… and proud. One compromise after another, our nation finds itself on its backside, and it will take a tremendous amount of effort to stand tall again. This will be difficult, but must be done now, before we become comfortable with being on our backside and that becomes the new standard. My fear is that once you compromise a standard, well, we’ve set a new standard. Politicians have made so many compromises over the years that it’s difficult to remember what the standard was.

  If there are any politicians reading this, I implore you, become a leader. Above all else, stop being a politician. A leader will not bend to the whim of a fickle mob and a manager will find a way to accomplish the leader’s vision. A politician will attempt to make everyone happy, accomplish nothing, and will only succeed in making everyone angry in the process. The questions we should ask candidates, “what is your vision if elected” and incumbents should be asked, “what did you accomplish from your vision since you were elected?” If their answers aren’t truthful, you know you would be voting for another politician, and that’s exactly what some people want but is that what any of us need?

Until next time, stay strong my friends.--Aaron from Georgia.

Sunday, October 16, 2022


Saturday, October 15, 2022

Even more corruption...

Friday, October 7, 2022

One of the tools in the basket of Neo-Bolshevism...

Wednesday, October 5, 2022


Speaks for itself...


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


Forget the bread, milk, & water sheeple... Get vaccinated first!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Graft & Corruption 101...

The Big guy...

Sunday, September 25, 2022

What’s Wrong: Indoctrinating Intellectual Infants

 What’s Wrong:

 Indoctrinating Intellectual Infants

  Due to the proliferation of indoctrinating this brittle generation, I would be remiss in my obligations if I did not write about questions surrounding current education. Previously, there was uncertainty of a student’s ability to learn reliably from educators teaching their opinion and not factuality. Take the Left’s elation with the destabilization of nuclear family and tradition, all under the name of “gender affirmation.” The audacity of educators ignoring a child’s natural femininity or masculinity, to push a constructed gender identity will only lead to cultural toxicity. Our children’s formal education is supposed to provide a solid foundation of calculation and composition, including the exploration of subjects that improve our intellectual formation and spark our imagination. Our society, (not from the majority) is ignoring basic biology to make a priority, a community whose morality is bent towards atrocity. Physical mutilation isn’t the only motivation of twisted teachers, but this fascination of self-adulation leads to narcissistic aggrandization of an already proud and noble occupation, and this proposition to deviate from a parents’ right to participation in a students’ most important decisions. Not the complexity of choosing a university, or the anxiety of being picked first in an activity, but whether their gender (sex) can be decided from a point of emotionality, while ignoring physicality. This is a situation where a parents’ expectation of inclusion in every decision should be without contestation, but Leftist teachers compound a parents’ aggravation by a teachers’ promotion of secrecy for students when it pertains to a child’s sexualization.

  Since some teachers are focused on a students’ gender identity with a certain acuity, the faculty must have immunity to consequences involving a students’ curiosity. The qualifications required of educators does not include psycho-analyzation, and by my estimation, this is not on any application. A parents’ perceptivity in changes to their child’s personality can limit the plausibility of teachers twisting their gender identity, because a child’s personality is not formed with a desire for individuality, but with a propensity for conformity, solidarity, and more importantly, popularity. Current contamination within our system of education led to my contemplation of disconnection from over-education, and I don’t want this to seem like a dramatization but a justification for our school systems re-evaluation. We used to think it a calamity when our child came home using profanity, gesturing obscenities, and drinking or smoking with regularity. To my mortification, now I have to worry about pills that perpetuate chemical castration, the integration of post-modernization, and the further emasculation of our evil patriarchal nation. I want continuity, compatibility, and credibility for children to learn discernity, and thinking logically adds an invincibility to a child’s awareness and maturity.

  With very little investigation, you will find correlation without exaggeration of similar circumstances that should require explanation. I say with certainty that if you conclude that this travesty could not happen within your community, pique your curiosity, and investigate your local school with objectivity, to see if some teachers have accountability or if they preach "gender fluidity." This global hallucination of gender affirmation needs an intervention from current manipulation, for amputation of genitalia isn’t the only agitation but the amputation of innocence should cause denigration. Be kind in your quest for sensibility, but silence is a form of acceptability.

Stay strong my friends.

Aaron From Georgia

Friday, September 16, 2022

Showing the Left our Johnson!

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Criminal regime...

Neo-Bolshevism 101...

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Sick Devils...

Saturday, September 10, 2022

The Streets of San Francisco...

Opps this didn't go as planned...

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Looney Leftists running/ruining our lives...

A nation in decline...

Monday, September 5, 2022

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Hear! Hear!

Friday, September 2, 2022

Biden's Independence Hall Speech from proper angle...

Political Influencers

Political Influencers 

 Occasionally, I like to daydream back to the days of our forefathers and imagine how they would feel about the current state of the Constitutional Republic they started many years ago. Do we continue to hold true to the values and ideals that Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin aspired to? Would other political philosophers like Machiavelli, Locke, Voltaire, Plato, or Rousseau gaze upon our political system like a proud father and think, “I had a small part influencing this grand nation called America.” I say no. (Notice I said “America”, because from my perspective, our states are in no way united, but I digress.) 

 Who then can we say is the dynamic influencer of our modern political system? Roosevelt? Reagan? Clinton? Kennedy? No, none of these politicians had the power and firm grip on the American people and culture like Jerry Springer. Yes, the one-time mayor of Cincinnati that was removed from office for using taxpayer dollars to purchase cocaine and solicit prostitutes continues his influence on our society today. I know what you’re thinking, “Jerry Springer wasn’t in office long enough to be a political influence.” You would be wrong. 27 seasons of nationally televised craziness, and the crazier the better. 27! That doesn’t even sound right when you say it out loud, but there was Jerry, influencing generations.

 Thinking back to some of Jerry’s more outlandish storylines, “Transexual neighbor stole my man! Now my son dresses in drag and my daughter thinks she’s a boy!” That would have been quite a salacious episode, straight from the supermarket tabloids to the stage of Springer, now we call that Cal-i-for-ni-a. Here’s another, ”Boss creates a human resources nightmare by smoking crack and dancing naked while brandishing a firearm while using company property.” Another great episode, full of mystery and intrigue, but we just call that “Hunter being Hunter.”

 For 27 years, Jerry Springer burrowed deep into the psyche of the American public, and that influence is reflected in our political system today. The populous are more concerned with a leader that can be nice to everyone and give them things, like being transported back to a student body president speech in high school. You know, where they promise longer pep rallies and a new soda machine in the cafeteria, except now our politicians are saying that I have to pay for the soda machine, pay to stock it, and then give free sodas to everyone else while politicians take the credit for my altruistic gesture, then clean up the empty cans littered about before I get fined for littering. Typical. Nothing is free, not even your degree in Underwater Basket Weaving Gender Studies. No matter which side of the political aisle you decide to sit on, it’s high time that we demanded more from our elected officials than a cheap knock off re-run of a Jerry Springer episode, or the promises of “free stuff” that we don’t qualify to receive. 

 I dare you to watch any political ad, Congressional hearing, Senate committee meeting and not see a parallel in one of the hundreds of Springer episodes. That’s probably not the worst thing we’ll see, now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, some of our current and former politicians will need to use a bit more restraint, or else I will be writing about Maury Povich next. Be honest, you’ve already imagined Maury’s voice saying, “In the case of baby Jessica, Brian, Steven, Ruth, Ryan, Erin, James, Lupe, and Christopher… former President Clinton, you ARE the father!” We know this is just conjecture, because there would be an “accident” or “suicide” before the show aired. The beginning of resolving a problem is admitting that you have one, my hope is that we haven’t embraced this chaos to a point of no turning back. 

 Stay strong my friends. --Aaron From Georgia 

Monday, August 29, 2022

The great Cristoforo Colombo!

Beautiful tribute to the great Cristoforo Colombo behind the Holy shrine Grotto of Jesus and Mary at the Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Dickeyville Wisconsin. Courtesy of Dale from North West Iowa

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Our bodies their choice?

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Goblin mode...

So sad...

Naked truth...