Monday, September 16, 2024


Welcome to New Haiti... long time residents not Welcome though...


The Left never stops Elon...

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Yup... The Centralized Government Complex is formidable...

Disgraceful but not surprising...

Wake up America...

These Leftist devils must be stopped...

Hateful bastards went after him again today... everytime they go after him it is them going after you....

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Not a fair poll dead people don't eat cookies...

Friday, September 13, 2024

Disgusting Leftist devils...

Nothing turns a girl on more than your company Google coordinating with Kamala to win an election!

Unmanly white dudes for Kamala...

Sound the Jeffersonian alarm bells! Bring back commodity based money before the productive class is completely destroyed! He knew it was the only way to stop monetary inflation!


Election integrity & full transparency or this Republic will crack...

Thursday, September 12, 2024



If we only had free and fair elections...

Frigging hypocrites... their body their choice on "medical" matters!?!?

Believe your lying eyes...

Clear choice...

So tired of the Neo-Bolshevik talking points...

Even the Supreme Court will not be able to stop her...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

After 9/11/2001... Always mourn the original 9/11... September 11th, 1789... The day "Left-wing" Hamilton was appointed Secretary of Treasury! AMAZING INTERVIEW & DISCUSSION WITH CALLERS FROM 2017 that is the ANSWER TO ALL OUR PROBLEMS TODAY!

We are very happy and honored to welcome, Michael Maharrey, National Communications Director for the Tenth Amendment Center, to the program. Their website is (That's Tenth spelled out!)

Michael speaks at events across the United States, and frequently appears as a guest on local, national and international radio shows advancing constitutional fidelity and Liberty through "decentralization."

Hailing from Lexington, Kentucky, he’s extremely proud that his home state originated the Jeffersonian "Principles of ’98" laying the groundwork for State nullification of unconstitutional acts.

He is the author of three books...

Our Last Hope – Rediscovering the Lost Path to Liberty, makes the historical, philosophical and moral case for nullification. 

Smashing Myths: Understanding Madison’s Notes on Nullification, digs deep into James Madison’s views on nullification, focusing on his writing’s later in life.

Nullification Objections: Dismantling the Opposition, a book that takes apart the common objections to nullification one at a time!!

Michael wonderfully explains:
1) The Jeffersonian "Principles of 1798!!"
2) "Federalism" and the value of a "Republic" as it was understood by the founding generation...
3) How "all Founding Fathers were not equal!!" (Although Hamilton called himself a "Federalist" he DID NOT support "Federalism!!")
4) The original divide between Jeffersonian "Decentralized Republicanism" and Hamiltonian "Centralized Nationalism..."
5) How the recent and Federally defiant "State marijuana laws" appear to be one example where the sovereign power of the individual States is fostering Liberty for it's citizens.
6) The Hamiltonian "Living Breathing Document" versus Jeffersonian/Madisonian "Strict Construction"...
7) Despite his noble efforts and if this keeps getting worse and worse for Liberty "after a long train of abuses and usurpations that eventually reduce us under absolute despotism" ..."peaceful secession" is the option of last best resort...
8) Whether "sanctuary cities" should be allowed by the sovereign States...
9) What "right to try laws" are...
10) What the Tenth Amendment Center's aims are and what his optimistic hopes for the future are...

"Resident Intellectuals" George the Atheist, Dr. Steve from Detroit, and John from Conn call in and join John & Frank for a round table discussion of this unbelievably enthralling interview!!

"Always mourn the original 9/11... September 11th, 1789... The day "Left-wing" Hamilton was appointed Secretary of Treasury!!"

Read: How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America, by Brion McClanahan

Read the immortal Thomas Jefferson
 Hero of the "productive class!!"

Setting the record straight... This is how it was supposed to be folks!! We lost our liberty to the Centralized Nationalists!! Fight to retain the sacred fire of Liberty and restore Jeffersonian Decentralized Federalism!!!

"TRP is FOOD for your brain!!"

You simply will not hear this type of discussion anywhere else!!!


Never trust the Left to fight a fair fight...

Never any evidence to the Left...

The American people deserve better than ABC...

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Bottom line a DJT victory an RFK Jr victory and a victory for the Republic!...

Is it Really a Debate?

    I know the debate between Vice President Harris and former President Trump is coming up on September 10th, and I know you’re thinking, “this joker was writing about debating last time, what is this a debate blog?” Not hardly. I’m bringing up the debate now because it is quite literally the most important debate likely ever. That isn’t exaggeration or hyperbole but a terrifying fact. Why is it so terrifying? This debate can swing the election, depending on a few key points to watch out for.

    First, is the moderator going to allow the candidates to speak freely (when the microphones are on)? During the first debate when Biden was struggling, Tapper or Bash would throw out a lifeline and reel Biden in. I’ve said on multiple occasions that Vice President Harris needs a teleprompter more than Biden. She is wholly unlikeable and will ramble incoherently without the direction of a teleprompter. She speaks in legalese. When she doesn’t know what to say she will speak in a circle and hope that no one notices. For example, “I am so happy to be here at the preservation of natural resources gala because nothing is more important than preserving natural resources with galas to preserve natural resources.” Seriously, it’s painful to watch. As much as I would like President Trump to throw his verbal jabs when the opportunity would present itself, this would be the time for restraint. Because there would be so much material for him to react to that he would appear to be a bully. Those moments where she changes her accent three times in one response because she doesn’t know what audience the feed is going to, will only help Trump. The moderator will do all he can to protect her, including tailor questions that appeal to her strengths.

    Second, the type of questions posed to the candidates are crafted to be similar, but typically are far from it. I can imagine Harris’s first question will be something tough like, “what is your favorite color?” Then when they ask Trump the same question, before he has a chance to answer they say, “wrong, moving on.” ABC is notoriously biased in their coverage. There is no other reason to employ George Stephanopoulos. For those that don’t know him, he was the White House Communications Director in the Clinton White House. What does that mean? All he did was spin Bill Clinton’s lecherous debauchery and make Hillary Clinton appear relevant, he more than earned his paycheck. He spun more magic for the Clintons than Rumpelstiltskin. Thankfully, George won’t be moderating but I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the questions were carefully crafted by George to back Trump into a corner. All of ABC news is scrambling to conjure the same type of magic to make Harris likeable. Fortunately, I don’t think there is enough magic in the world to accomplish this.

    The third and final thing to watch for during the debate is comfortability. President Trump needs to maintain his composure and reply with a presidential demeanor at all times. They are going to throw everything at him to try to make him lose his cool, but more importantly, to try to move him off topic and to lose his train of thought. President Trump has held the job and excelled. They will try to make him look old, stumble on his words, and look uncomfortable. Basically, try to make him look like Biden. I am confident that Trump is getting the best preparation, but I want him delivering concise answers. By doing this, it will allow extra time for Harris to speak and Harris without a teleprompter is chaos in a pantsuit. She doesn’t look comfortable on camera; she looks like a commercial for undiagnosed social anxiety disorder. She can’t hide on that stage, and she won’t be able to hide her discomfort. This is Trump’s opportunity to show the American people how overmatched she is and that he exudes strength and grace under pressure.

    Will the networks look at this debate objectively when the cameras are off? Probably not. I will. I grade these fairly critically. For example, in the first debate I gave President Trump a C-. Why, because of his potential not because he was debating a head of cabbage. Looking objectively at the interlocutors, Trump again clearly has the advantage, but he should be trying to improve on his last debate performance, not just trying to win. Tuesday, President Trump has an opportunity to show the American people that he is great for the country and that the legacy media has been spewing lies for years. I’m not saying that the debate will pull down Super Bowl type ratings, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Harris has proven in prior debates that she will say anything to win, no matter how salacious or provocative. I believe that she will attempt that again on Tuesday, probably against what her advisors suggest. She can’t help herself. As a former prosecutor she thinks she is an expert, but in reality, she is out of her depth. She won’t appeal to any of her policies because she doesn’t have any. She has already taken down her “pronouns” from her bio on “X” to appear centrist. Harris can no longer hide in the basement like “Uncle Joe” but has to engage in this debate. Many people are looking to this debate to provide clarity, but I see it as much more. This is the opening act to show that the candidates can handle pressure on a small stage, instead of on a global one. The difference is that the pressure as president carries real consequences, sometimes deadly, and I don’t believe VP Harris is ready, she probably never will be. Is this really a debate, no, but it is an opportunity to showcase the poise of Donald Trump and finally get that squatter out of the White House.

Stay Poised My Friends.

Aaron from Georgia

Monday, September 9, 2024

Another Leftist Potemkin village...



Nothing to see here as usual...

On to something...

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Election integrity or No Republic!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

War Pigs...

As Frank said years ago they want to turn us into a 3rd wurrrld country...


Watch your back Jim...

Pulling back the Leftist curtain...

The fact that she even has a chance to win is frightening...

Sad yet true...

Thursday, September 5, 2024


LOL so much for DJT being that Putin puppet... Oh right Putin is just doing it to hurt her election bid... double LOL!!

Yes Elon, the wonders of centralized government and what they make you give up in the name of "safety" always is followed by graft and corruption!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The tyranny of an unbridled majority...

Are they ever right?


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Lincoln did far worse to his political prisoners...

What do you expect from the CGC wiretap...

Eric is great. Including what Frank has always said. This is professional wrestling...

Your CGC (centralized government complex) for you...

DJT better be up by 7%...

Chiii-na is the virus...

We are a true 3rd wurrrld country under the Biden/Harris regime...

Liar and phony isn't enough...

Just pathetic... worst than basement strategy...

For real?