Saturday, August 31, 2024

Spot on...



Friday, August 30, 2024

Next stage of the invasion...

Things will be getting volcanic soon...

👍 all good but love of a Republic not democracy...

Typical Neo-Bolshevik plotting...

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Neo-Bolsheviks will change any rule as they go...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Election integrity now! Before it's too late...


This sick Leftist won't go away...



RFK/Tucker full

What we said here first...

Monday, August 26, 2024

Well said Dan...

The reality of Democrat city life...

What a joke these people are...

So much for idea Kemp is coming towards MAGA...

If true just sick!


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Making our list and checking it more than twice!


Stay awake folks...


Friday, August 23, 2024

RFK does the right thing for DJT and the Republic! Give him credit.


Of course we knew this was coming...

The end of the productive middle class may be almost here...

Leftist coups always end in blood!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Two-faced lib scum...

The illegal invasion ends soon...

Anyone’s next door neighbor is more competent...

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The very definition of national suicide...

These are functional morons...

You dopes just simply can't move on to the next preprogrammed news cycle with this one... We will never forget!

Leftist hypocrites know no bounds...

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

These are sick Communist devils!

Will the truth be told?

Unmasking the border czar...

Monday, August 19, 2024

What we've feared most...

Brain dead...

Democrat drones...

Phil Donahue becomes a good red...

For the "unproductive people" (whether rich or poor) giving them the candidate they anoint...

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The evils of big government and big pharma...

The great Milton Friedman... it's always everything but the Federal government and their centralized banking buddies!

Soviet economics 2.0...

Friday, August 16, 2024

We need to be on top of this sh*t!

Of course these Leftist devils want price control...

As Frank said first Zero chance he acted alone!

The result of Neo-Bolshevik economics...

Thursday, August 15, 2024


Democrat truth hurts!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



Typical Run-a-the-mill Democrat...

Lockstep-Libs at it again...

So true... and non-producers too...

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Leftist devils...


How we know DJT is winning...

A Lesson for the Left from Thomas the Great! (Where hate-filled argument replaces debate...) The more things change the more they stay the same!

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of others to differ from me in opinion without imputing to them criminality..."

to Abigail Adams 11 September 1804

“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among our opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person the hatred they bore to his political opinions. I suppose, indeed, that in public life, a man whose political principles have any decided character, and who has energy enough to give them effect, must always expect to encounter political hostility from those of adverse principles. But I came to the government under circumstances calculated to generate peculiar acrimony. …I became of course the butt of everything which reason, ridicule, malice and falsehood could supply. They have concentrated all their hatred on me, till they have really persuaded themselves, that I am the sole source of all their imaginary evils..."

to Richard M. Johnson, 10 March 1808

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Nothing to see here...

How original...

Election integrity now!

Neo-Bolsheviks never respect the Productive classes' private property! Especially when protecting one of their own and needing to drop a deuce...

Original video before Ministry of Lies altered it...

AI "votes" are coming...

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Sick Neo-Bolsheviks...

Friday, August 9, 2024

Buckle Up Buttercup: This Ride’s About to Get Bumpy!

    The news recently has been wrought with chaos, and yet that doesn’t quite prepare us for the raging dumpster fire that is the United States political system. First and foremost, don’t let a leftist ever call you a fascist or President Trump a threat to democracy, your immediate response should be, “at least Republicans elect our representatives and don’t appoint them.” Our constituents can think for themselves and although we don’t always agree, we also don’t villainize Republicans we don’t agree with on every issue. For example, I don’t believe that President Trump had a great debate. It looked like he had a great debate only because it looked like he was debating drunk Otis from the Andy Griffith Show. Comparatively speaking, he did great, but grading his performance against himself, I gave it a C-. I would’ve loved to see Trump help Biden down the stairs after the debate instead of Doctor "of Education" Jill, that photo would’ve been priceless. I can look at his performance objectively, there are some things that I’d like him to improve on for the next debate. He has some work to do to sway independent voters, but I’m sure the people preparing him know what’s at stake.

    It’s really amazing what can happen in a month. A debate that showed the former president square off against a head of cabbage to secure an election for the highest office in the land. Then, all of the head of cabbage supporters step up to tell him to step aside or become coleslaw. He begrudgingly steps aside, only for his party to undemocratically appoint a candidate that is in desperate need of a teleprompter. VP Harris, as comedian Tim Dillon describes, “seems to speak in gypsy curses.” Her famous quote that some portray as “lawyer word salad”, I would make a careful distinction, this is Marxism. “What can be, unburdened by what has been?” Why is this oft-repeated quote popular? Because it slides Marxism through the side door. Chairman Mao held this same belief of abolishing millennia of history and tradition to pave a way for his future, and millions of Chinese citizens paid the price with their lives. Kamala wants the same thing and wants us to be unburdened by things like the Constitution or the Bill of Rights to achieve her utopia. Kamala wants to unburden the people with our own history. What do you get when you mix a law degree, folksy wisdom, the puppet Billy from the movie series Saw, and 3-4 glasses of Chardonnay? Kamala Harris. (Just for fun play a monologue from Billy over a speech from Kamala Harris, I can’t stop laughing.)

    The most disturbing part of her nomination is the lapdog media fawning over her. Four years ago, on the debate stage of the Democrat primary, Kamala Harris was soundly trounced by every candidate on that stage. Every. Single. One. After the debate, she did so poorly that she garnered zero support and dropped out almost immediately. The Democrat party, the true party of fascism, doesn’t understand that we elect our representatives. Deep down, I believe this to be a calculated move by Harris. She continues to perpetuate the lie that the commander in chief is healthy and ready for the next four years, until it’s too late to have a primary. She knows that she is wholly unliked within her own party. So, what’s the best way to overcome the political system that gave you problems in the past? Bypass it completely. She effectively went around all of the systems in place for the people to choose the candidate they preferred instead of her and was appointed instead.

    At some level they have to understand the irreparable damage they are doing within their own party by setting this precedent. They don’t care. All the media cares about is that they don’t have to prop up that head of cabbage and do all they can to make him look good. Now, they can make their female, Indian, Asian, African American darling the belle of the ball by telling the voters that they’re racist for not voting for one of the worst candidates to ever secure a nomination. Four years ago, her own party would have voted to put her in charge of Guantanamo Bay if they truly believed in the democratic process, (that position is more befitting her temperament). Instead, she hitched her wagon to one of the most racist Democrats since Robert Byrd to give Biden a little color. Looking at the situation pragmatically, she checks a lot of boxes on their identity politics bingo card, but based on her previous policies and record as Senator and Attorney General, how is she going to help the American people? You can look at her accomplishments as vice president to understand why they picked her to be Biden’s running mate. “Stand over there, shut up and wave.” They didn’t want her to do anything. That’s why they put her in charge of the Southern border, they knew that she wouldn’t do anything. After all of these obvious failures, why does the media love her now?

    Short answer, because they have to. They quickly forget that she was in charge of the Southern border and are actively saying that she was never in charge of it. Parroting the same talking points across multiple networks. They think the American public is stupid. This is the danger of groupthink. Groupthink, simply, is conforming to the consensus view rather than engaging in critical thinking. This is how the media criminals control the populous. They want the majority misinformed with their hands out. They’ll tell you when to be outraged, who’s racist, who’s fascist, who to support, who to kill. You aren’t smart enough to think on your own, we’ll do all the thinking for you. I guess it isn’t technically a lie that she wasn’t the border czar if she didn’t do anything. She showed up once, but it was for some street tacos and souvenirs, not to tackle migration.

    I am looking forward to the next debate between President Trump and VP Harris. I hope he attacks that debate with the same tenacity he had rising from the stage in Pennsylvania with blood on his face. Harris keeps saying that Trump doesn’t want to debate her, that he’s scared. We don’t need to do anything to defend President Trump. There is an old saying, “How do you defend a lion? Turn it loose!” I would apply the same strategy for President Trump on the debate stage, turn him loose! The only advice I have for Trump would be to understand that silence on that stage is a weapon in his favor, the more he lets her talk, the more people will realize her true character, and she lacks the ability to be coherent (even when she tries). The only advice I can give to Harris, “be careful what you wish for”. When you’re face to face on the debate stage, there won’t be a teleprompter to save you, and with the whole world watching, in that space, everyone will hear you scream. So, buckle up buttercup, the race is far from over, and it will only get bumpier from here.

Stay Aware My Friends

Aaron from Georgia

Stay the course Focus on fighting off the Left And let’s win this thing!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The definition of weird folks...

Stolen Valor 101...

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Back to the Basement and Rig strategy...

True Tim!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Leftist giant brains in action...

England we want Trump as well!

True Leftist scum...

Actual threat to the Republic!

Monday, August 5, 2024


Yes so much excitement for Kamala...

Nuclear war in the Mideast may be enough to prevent elections...

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Bidenonmics! Now we are seeing the Kamala Crash...

Neil Gorsuch is a true Jeffersonian strict constructionist hero!

Fulton country may be the most corrupt county in the country!


Free Tina!

Well done!

As usual only MAGA is racist...

Friday, August 2, 2024

We need law and order!

Zero regard for human life...

Sad but true...

What these Leftist devils want...

Truth in plain sight...

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Could be the first Indian to be president... What a country! Her first executive order should be for her to pay reparations for the sins of her ancestors!

How Demonrats "save" democracy...

Yet another Gender Justice warrior!
