Thursday, December 28, 2023

Typical Leftist scum...

MMM Hmm...


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Wake up about Robert Kennedy Jr...

Stay home...

Friday, December 22, 2023

Clay Higgins is a patriot of the highest order!

Happy Festivus!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Left makes up their own laws...

How much more Neo-Bolshevism can you stomach!?

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Delta free flights for illegal invaders...

Monday, December 18, 2023

Leftist lawfare!

Nothing to see here... move along...

Leftist & Uniparty devils...

More on the Sino-Bolshevik invasion...

The illegal invasion is treasonous...

The rough toilet paper of record...

Sunday, December 17, 2023


Friday, December 15, 2023

The Subtle Path to Tyranny...

    The pendulum swings both ways. Currently we have cities across the U.S. that are bastions of lawless activity. I have to stop and think why many of our nation’s bustling metropolises are settling for chaos instead of order. The reason, control. They will force citizens to deal with the lawlessness and chaos, because our politicians don’t have to deal with it. They don’t want you to become desensitized to the chaos, they want it to get worse until you beg them to take control. The left will not stop until they have complete control of every aspect of your life.

    Let’s begin with freedom of speech. If we continue down the path that one of our “free” neighbors from across the pond has done, we will soon be arrested for “hate speech” online. The United Kingdom passed the Public Order Act in 1986, the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act in 1994, the Racial and Religious Hatred Act in 2006, and there were other articles attached later that would bolster their position, but when reduced to its basic point, “don’t be mean or say anything mean or you’ll go to jail.” I am a firm believer in free speech, but I also know that people can say some truly awful things. Let them say what they want, how else can they be exposed as the morons that they are? Words have meaning, and when people are careful with their word choice, understand that the meaning that they are conveying is deliberate and significant. Jefferson didn’t choose the terms used in the Declaration of Independence because he thought they sounded good; I mean, they sound great, but the meaning and placement of each word brought depth and legitimacy to our young nation. Why do officials want to limit what you can and can’t say? Because it is the first and most subtle way to control you.

    Second, they will control your religion. “They can’t do that.” Yes, they can and already have. During the pandemic, churches were closed but strip clubs stayed open. They say freedom of religion, but they don’t mean it. They want to control who you worship, how you worship, and where you worship. The government will sacrifice all religious beliefs on the altar of Pride in order to affirm the LGBTQAI+@#!$ community. The Catholic church, Methodist church, and Church of England are experiencing the effects of a more “inclusive” doctrine. Religion at its core is exclusive, not inclusive because one must accept the doctrine of that religion. Currently, the Pride religion is forcing their ideology on all regions to accept, without exception. Through this course of action, there will be no distinguishing differences between religions, and we all can worship the same thing! Won’t that be great! If you believe me to be an alarmist, just give it time, they will find another excuse to exclude religion from the conversation and close the doors of your neighborhood church. It’s time to wake up and stop being naïve.

    Next, they do want to take your guns. Make no mistake, everything that the totalitarian and fascist left does is to subversively control the public. With an unarmed populous, they can and will do whatever they want (you know, for the greater good). With you unarmed, you can be beaten or robbed and if you are, know that you are helping that poor thief in need. “Aaron, what about all of the shootings that happen in Chicago each month, they didn’t take their guns!” You are correct, the only guns that get confiscated are the law-abiding citizens, who then become the first victims of a totalitarian regime. If they confiscate guns, they will keep a list, and they will return to arrest someone in that household just to make sure that you didn’t withhold any firearms. Then, those arrested will have a mysterious illness or accident to keep others in line. The final nail in our collective coffin would be to weaponize our own justice system against the citizens.

    We are seeing more flagrant evidence of overreach by a corrupt totalitarian justice department (and I will use the word “justice” with a smirk) that goes after political opponents and sentences with impunity. Silencing truth is easy when you kill the right amount of people or suppress the truth by attempting to kill one person (Derek Chauvin). It’s very convenient that there was an attempt on Derek Chauvin in prison by a former FBI informant, that stabbed Chauvin for the “Black Lives Matter” movement, AFTER the official (Floyd) autopsy was released. Why would they suppress evidence that would ultimately exonerate him? The Judicial system wouldn’t control the narrative to a point so they could put an innocent man in prison only to sacrifice him in prison to ultimately suppress the truth and appease the masses? Would they? I know this seems like a stretch to go from the freedoms that we enjoy now, to a country slowly wrought with totalitarianism, but pro-life activists, ministers, and a former POTUS have been arrested and charged under a paper-thin veil of due process. This is only emboldening the corrupt left and we have not seen their full potential of corruption, they will stop at nothing to get their way, even if they have to sacrifice our Republic to get it. Let’s play the “what if” game.

    What if we have major cities, or even states, that deteriorate into several unmanageable forms of lawlessness and chaos? What if major homeless encampments filled with drug addiction, rape, and violence aren’t addressed, arrested, prosecuted? What if large areas of major cities rack up more shooting deaths than our active military in war zones? What if stores no longer stock goods for fear of large groups of people coming in taking what they want, whenever they want, without consequence or accountability? What do you think the citizens can do when their right to speak out or defend themselves is taken away? There is only one thing the citizens can do then, turn to their government. That’s right. When our backs are against the wall and can no longer stomach the chaos, we will be begging the government to step in and take control. We will gladly give them then authority to do whatever it takes to restore order. Then once order is restored, their argument will be that we need to keep these new rules in place to maintain order. Too far-fetched?

    TRP has pointed towards Tim Tzouliadis, who wrote masterfully in his book The Forsaken, touching on the false superiority of a paper mâché society that communist Russia constructed to deceive the world. Look at California and see how far off I am. When they need to, they’ll clear out the homeless and clean up the city, much like a Potemkin village in Russia. Controlling what their community, nation, and the world can see to create the illusion of ushering in their personal conception of Utopia. That conception, on the surface, is a body of beauty and efficiency, but once someone scratches the surface appearance, a rotting corpse of corruption and totalitarian control exists and also contaminates everything immediately around it. I’m talking to you San Francisco, and when the dictator that Governor Newsome loves, Xi Jinping arrives, they roll out the red carpet and hide the homeless. (Jinping was probably here to inspect China’s many properties in California.) California, are you not proud of your homeless encampments, rampant drug use, and theft? Either California has a homeless problem, or they are incredibly good at constructing tent cities. I could go off on California for days, and have, but the reality we all face is that we are drifting towards totalitarianism, and if we aren’t aware, we’ll be the ones asking for vicious dictators as the best solution, and the American citizens deserve more than a temporary solution to the problems that our leaders helped create.

Stay Free My Friends. 

Aaron from GA

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Typical Leftist divisiveness...

How about "peaceful separation!?!?"

Bout time...

Monday, December 11, 2023

Oh my goodness how brazen...

🤔 why now Chiii-na??

Effects of the invasion...

Friday, December 8, 2023

Leftism at its best!

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Neocon & Uniparty sabotage...

"Our truth..."


Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Monday, December 4, 2023

Change Your Perspective...

    Perspective is amazing. Based on one’s perspective or worldview, this will determine how information is viewed, accepted, rejected, or ignored. There are a number of people in the U.S. right now that are struggling, even suffering. How do we know that we are struggling as a nation currently? Maybe things are going great and we as citizens are being hyper-critical, maybe Biden is a great president. How do we know he’s not? More on that in a moment.

    Have you ever seen a satellite photo of the Korean peninsula at night? If you haven’t, it’s truly amazing. South Korea glows, a nation bathed in light and potential. There, on the northern half of the peninsula, North Korea is in total darkness. Of course, they have electricity (kind of) and technology, but regardless of what minor comforts they have, the overwhelming sentiment is soul crushing hopelessness. What is there to hope for death? Every day is exactly like the last one, a darkness that encroaches on the spirit of its people.

    “Why don’t they have hope Aaron, it sounds ridiculous, everyone has hope, no matter how small.” Sure, but again, in my humble opinion, it’s a matter of perspective. In a nation that’s starving, they will eat bugs for protein and risk prison time to steal an extra cup of rice. There are no government benefits for the citizens because the government isn’t there to improve the lives of the citizens. The citizens are there to serve the government, period. Family members will sell their children into slavery to other countries because they know that a life of subjugation to a Chinese farmer is a much more rewarding existence than staying in North Korea. There is nothing positive remaining in North Korea, and the only potential in North Korea defects to actually achieve their potential. So, in North Korea, the measurement for positivity, care, success, and hope are gauged by your best negative experience. They have lived in such abject poverty and abuse that when people defect, they have no concept of how other countries live. North Korea controls communication and news so the citizens are closed off from the rest of the world. Which brings me back to our situation.

    In 2017, the uninformed (or purposefully misinformed) American public wanted President Trump to fail because they didn’t like him. I don’t like Biden, not even a little, I pity him to be honest. I believe that he epitomizes everything that’s wrong with American politics. A lifetime in “service” to this nation with nothing to show for it. I pray he succeeds because I live here. If he fails, we all suffer.

    Joe Biden may have been the biggest eye opener for American voters before the 2024 election. It really doesn’t matter what they think of President Trump, they can measure tangible results. How much did I spend at the grocery store 4 years ago compared to this year? Gas? Mortgage? Rent? Taxes? The truth is, that no matter how bad things get, Americans are still blessed. We have an abundance of opportunities here, and all we need to do is recognize it. Our current predicament now leads voters to realize what good (if any) remains, but more importantly how much better life was under different leadership.

    Voters recognize where we should be and also recognize the disappointing reality of where we actually are. I’ve written about poor leadership in the past, but how do we recognize that we’re in a cycle of poor leadership? Because we’ve had good leadership before. The reality that we find ourselves in as U.S. citizens is a harsh “kick in the head” that helps us realign our goals and perspective to a standard where we know we should be. Occasionally, we need to experience poverty, difficulty, or yes, even suffering to truly understand what plenty, duty, contentment, and success really is. The main reason why we can pursue these endeavors to benefit our lives is hope. We have seen what American citizens can accomplish when they understand the responsibility that is required when gifted both opportunity and potential. It brings a return to that elevated standard in which we should continually measure ourselves. Turning away from that standard to make everyone “feel good” is the worst tragedy that I can imagine. We should maintain a laser focus on the highest standards until we can surpass even that. People don’t risk their lives to come here searching for the best spot to be homeless and penniless, but instead they come here to be better, do better, and share the best of themselves in the process. Unfortunately, illegal immigration doesn’t bring the best and brightest that other people can offer from around the world, but an opportunity of convenience, but that’s a different topic for a different day.

    Our hope’s foundation should remain grounded in faith in God, faith in our family, and faith in our country. When I write country, I do not mean our physical borders, but I am referring to the citizens that are all around us. I haven’t lost hope that our government can return to a standard that we once had, and I don’t have much faith in the leadership of our nation without a significant change taking place. My lack of faith in our current leadership doesn’t leave me void of hope, it’s just that there is insufficient evidence to restore my faith otherwise. My faith in our nation isn’t a blind faith either, but faith in what the ideal should be because there is evidence that we’ve been there. Our founding fathers based it on Jefferson’s ideal, which is why we are still a nation today. I have heard the statement that “comparison is the thief of joy,” and I agree, when you are comparing yourself to someone else. When we compare ourselves to where we were, where we are, and where we should be, this is a valuable comparison indeed.

    All in all, I should be thankful for the overall ineptitude of the Biden regime. Without them, the American public would forget how good we truly had it under President Trump. Significantly, as we turn into a new year, we remember the hopeful potential of what our government could be, as we desperately cling to the opportunity we have in next year’s presidential election.

Stay Hopeful My Friends

Aaron from GA 

The Left could really care a less how much their leaders steal...

For Sale...

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Nothing to see here folks...

The Fall of Minneapolis... (Watch! How would you have handled it?)

Friday, December 1, 2023



No really!?!?