Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Soros tentacles...

Despicable Leftists...

Thomas Jefferson is looking down in scorn...

Left-wing priorities...

Disgraceful Leftists...

Monday, October 30, 2023

Democrat ingenuity...

Just outrageous...

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Buh bye...

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

We shall see...

Yes it's obvious...

Election integrity...

Biden will be out in short order... Got China's endorsement!

Show us your Johnson...

Monday, October 23, 2023

How Long Have You Been There!?

    It is time to vote for term limits. No lead in, no witty repartee, just in your face reality. Regardless of your party affiliation or political leanings, a person’s extended time in office leads to a disproportionate accumulation of power. There seems to be only one way to remove someone from power, other than a vote, and that’s death.

    Look at Diane Feinstein, she spent an overwhelming majority of her life in elected office, and she is not in the minority. There are many other politicians that share this statistic and had to be removed from office after they have been rendered unrecognizable due to their age and physical condition. Not simply a mere “shell” of their former self, but something more sinister. A ghoulish representative of forgotten constituents, only to be possessed and controlled by unscrupulous handlers, hell bent on having their own taste of power. Instead of doing what is best for an obviously feeble and confused geriatric, these sadists continued to abuse Feinstein because they wanted to maintain their position. I’m sure Feinstein’s final days were spent in a perpetual state of bewilderment, waiting for someone to wheel her to her next stop where she could finally get the blanket and bowl of soup she was promised. Our politicians look like they are in a perpetual state of bewilderment, like John Fetterman waiting for his favorite slinky to reach the bottom of an escalator, or Mitch McConnell looking like he is lip syncing Johnny Cash and doing it poorly. It does not take long for elected officials to grab and try to maintain all of the power they can grab.

    This is the United States aristocracy. One can only ascend to the throne of the presidency after someone has held a lesser position of power elsewhere. Did you know that Bernie Sanders has never had a job in the private sector. Never. Not one. How can this be? Because he recognizes the power of the office and the power of false promises to the working class. This is how he and so many others have amassed untold wealth under the masquerade as a public servant. The majority of the politicians are there to serve themselves and through each veiled legislative action, they aim to increase their own power while diminishing the rights of the citizens they are meant to serve. The only way to prevent this abuse of power is to ensure that they are private citizens for far longer than they are in their ivory towers of elected aristocracy.

    The longer politicians are in power, the easier it becomes for them to compromise our rights to fill their pockets and serve their own interests. There is a saying, “confidence is directly related to competence”, and that is why I have little to no confidence in our current government. I pray that someday soon, someone will propose term limits and it will pass. Until then, we can watch senators that could pass as stunt doubles for the Crypt Keeper make rash and uneducated decisions that effect the American public so they can appease special interest groups and build another house in Vermont or the Hamptons or at Lake Tahoe. Enough is enough, American citizens deserve better, and it’s time that we started vocalizing that fact. More importantly it’s time we started showing them at the ballot box.

Stay cognitive my friends.

Aaron from GA

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Mr. Ramsland, Jr. Get ready they’ll be coming...

Saturday, October 21, 2023


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Ever seen a SWAMP actually drained?

Disgraceful Leftists..

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Leftist insurrection at the Capitol... is Adam Kinzinger crying??

As ugly on the inside as they are on the outside...

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Get it done!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Where do we go?


    I don’t typically like doubling up on a topic, but it is an awfully big topic, and it does affect us here in the states. The conflict between Israel and Hamas does result in a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. I want to touch on a few things that the average American may not realize and hopefully by the end, provide a little clarity to a confusing situation.

    First, Israel has not been in Gaza since 2005. Israel has walls to protect its own people, but the people of Gaza have a problem called Hamas. Hamas controls the elections at gunpoint, so, surprise, someone from Hamas always wins. Hamas is a terrorist organization, and the word Hamas in Hebrew means violence and can be traced back to Genesis in the Old Testament. No, I am not going to turn this into a piece on biblical history but would like to point out the appropriateness of their name and its origin. Hamas has crippled its own people in many ways. Any money that goes into the area is not spent on programs to improve the area, but on weapons and tunnels that do not help their people. When Israel pulled out of Gaza, they attempted to give Egypt control of the land and Egypt didn’t want it. That should tell you a lot about the region. Even now you hear news organizations condemn Israel for bombing the one road out of Gaza to the south, but in my opinion, Israel did this as a favor to Egypt. Egypt made it very clear to the international community that they would accept ZERO refugees from Gaza. Zero. They want nothing to do with them. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and other nations have also made it clear.

    Where do Muslim refugees go when they are displaced from their country or land? Historically, the answer has overwhelmingly been Christian nations of the west. Why is that? Is it because the Christian nations are responsible for displacing them in the first place? Maybe, but I believe they go to Christian nations because they are free and tolerant. Then when they establish themselves in a Christian nation, they begin to spread their own intolerance. Some of the other Muslim nations they would be fleeing to are more repressive and restrictive than from where they originally fled. Which brings me to an underlying issue of this attack.

    Why would Hamas go into Israel and commit these awful atrocities, with full knowledge that Israel would respond with the full might of its military towards the people responsible? I believe that Hamas was backed by Iran financially and with weaponry to carry out this attack. Like the cowards that they are, when confronted about their involvement, they denied any involvement and let Hamas bear the brunt of the attack. Iran is complicit, but why did they fund the attack? Money. Free trade between Israel and India was beginning and the trade routes were through the nations in the Middle East that Israel had peace agreements with. All of these nations stood to profit as well as acquire additional goods and services. How did Iran accomplish this? It began long before Biden gave this terrorist nation $6 billion, and I would argue that they began funneling money to terrorist organizations around Israel when Biden lifted the oil embargo to Iran, and they began selling millions of barrels of oil to China. With that amount of profit, they could fund and arm any terrorist group they want, anywhere they want. Which brings me to my final point.

    Israel needs to be defended, but we must also not overlook our own situation. Time for this administration to put on its big boy pants, forget about ice cream for a few minutes and fix some issues before we have an issue play out here much like what happened in Israel. We have made no secret of our unwavering support for Isarel, which also makes us a target. There have been several protests here in the United States and across the world that have shown their support for terror and Hamas. My question then becomes, with our porous Southern border, how long before Hamas extremists infiltrate these organizations and radicalize large numbers within the United States. Make no mistake, these extremists aren’t interested in having an area to themselves where they can worship freely, but have one goal, to eradicate our entire way of life. With thousands of people crossing our border daily, it is only a matter of time before something like this happens in our own backyard. It is time to wake up and start fixing some glaring issues. I for one do not want to wait until we react to a slaughter of innocents at home, it saddens me to say, but can we for once learn from someone else’s mistakes.

Stay strong my friends. 

Aaron from GA

The Cheney test...

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Don't Tread on me!


    Since our country’s inception, our founding fathers have established certain unalienable rights. What is an unalienable right? How I would define an unalienable right would be rights that cannot be bought or sold, transferred, or traded, but most importantly surrendered. The 2nd Amendment itself is not an unalienable right. Hold on, before you grab torches and pitchforks, read what I have to say. The 2nd Amendment is not an unalienable right, but it affords us the opportunity to defend our life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. History proves that a disarmed populous is not only a controlled populous, but also a vulnerable one. This truth became all too real for Israeli citizens last week.

    As Hamas was wreaking havoc outside the walls of Gaza, Israeli citizens huddled inside their homes and safe rooms, only to be burned out of their home or blown up inside of it. Nothing and no one to protect them. Some Israeli citizens only comfort before armed Hamas gunman shot unarmed citizen after unarmed citizen was that their children were hidden well enough to survive. Unfortunately, that was not the case. The only good thing about the senseless deaths of the citizens is that they weren’t alive to witness the brutality that happened next. I have seen videos and images of women being dragged by their hair from the backs and trunks of cars. Signs that they have been beaten and sexually assaulted. The brutality of the rape still evident on their blood-soaked clothing that sticks to their leg as they are ruthlessly shoved into the back of another vehicle to be raped again by Hamas militants waiting outside the vehicle, while other Hamas terrorists shout “allahu akbar”, which means “God is most Great”. Maybe those citizens don’t want to be armed, but I think they will.

    There are two massive failures here by the Israeli government. First, they failed to imagine how low their enemy would go to strike fear in the hearts of the Israeli citizens. Second, because they failed to imagine the depths of the barbarism that Hamas would inflict on civilians, they didn’t allow the Israeli citizens in harm’s way an opportunity to defend themselves. Yes, these two points are directly related.

    Israeli citizens are not afforded the right to carry or bear arms. Generally, you have to prove that you have a need in your daily life to be given permission to own a gun for protection. Many unarmed families outside of Gaza were beaten, abducted, or shot by Hamas in their homes, in the street, in their car, at the market. Some of the people kidnapped or killed were vocal supporters of Palestine. Did Hamas interview the 67-year-old mother from the United States if she supported Palestine before they shot her Israeli husband in front of her, then tied her up and repeatedly raped her before stabbing her because they didn’t want to waste their bullets. She bled out before help could arrive. There are so many advocates for gun control until they themselves are subjected to traumatic events that change their minds. Unfortunately, too many didn’t survive long enough to change their minds. At this point, I would think that anyone living outside of Gaza can petition the Israeli government for permission to protect their home and family with a firearm. If the government denies this right, they can show them exactly what Hamas is capable of.

    This leads to the biggest problem of the Israeli government, which is that they underestimated their enemy. That, my friends, is inexcusable. The reason that Israel exists is that they couldn’t imagine that anyone was capable of the atrocities perpetrated by Nazi Germany. Let’s be clear though, the reason that these atrocities were made into a reality was because of an unarmed citizenry. China, Russia, Cambodia, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Great Brittain, and the list goes on. In each and every case the commonwealth underestimated the lengths that a totalitarian or authoritarian regime would go to gain or retain power. Apparently, the Israeli government just could not imagine that Hamas would coordinate a ground offensive with the sole purpose to kill as many citizens they could, while simultaneously kidnapping as many they could to demoralize the Israeli people

    I spoke to an Israeli citizen, and they are angry. Not like anything I’ve seen before. They are angry at Hamas, but also angry at their defense ministers because they didn’t see it coming and defend them. Who would want to imagine a group of over 1500 terrorists infiltrating communities to kill and destroy? Who would want to imagine that Hamas is capable of repeatedly raping women and children as young as 5 and 6, then tossing their lifeless bodies from moving vehicles because they no longer serve a purpose. I don’t care if they want to imagine it, IT’S THEIR JOB TO! Since they cannot fathom the depth of human depravity and the atrocities that one group of people can subject another to, the Israeli government has 1200 citizens dead, more injured, some abducted, and others unaccounted for. I’ve heard a comedian joke about guns in their state, and they learned about the states surrounding them in case those other states ever attacked. We take that reality for granted, and that is exactly the position Israel is in, yet the Israeli government doesn’t trust it’s citizens with firearms. I know about 1200 people that wished Israel did trust them enough to defend themselves.

    Setting aside our military and government for a moment and we are just going to discuss a possible attack on its citizens. Let’s not be naïve enough to believe that Hamas and Hezbollah are not in the United States. They pop up at Palestinian rallies all over the United States and they are terrorist organizations. They hate everything about Israel, the United States, and our way of life. They are forcing their ideals on Israelis and other Palestinians alike. The reason why they will plan an attack in a place like Israel and not a place like Georgia, is the reaction of its citizens would be very different. If they attacked near me in Georgia, I may put my wife and kids in the basement, armed, with a way to escape. While myself, and a few of my neighbors will gear up with means to repel any invader. They may get me, but I’m going out in a hail of gunfire with the ringing of shell casing hitting the pavement and the overwhelming smell of gunpowder in the air.

    I pray that the Israeli government and its citizens learn a valuable lesson from this, and that is that an unarmed citizen can still die at the hands of an invader that is. Our 2nd Amendment is not to protect our right to hunt, but to protect our unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Continue to pray for the people over there and may a version of our 2nd Amendment find it’s way to the Israeli people.

Stay free and stay armed my friends. 

 Aaron from Georgia

Cannot be treason. He's a Democrat...

Exactly why every human being should have a right to bear arms!

One more down!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Our political leadership is deserving of total contempt...

More out on the clot shot...

Sunday, October 8, 2023

General Flynn lays it out...

Our oceans can't protect us...

The Biden Regime's buddies in Iran...

Hamas apologists...

Not so shocking to us...

Yet the Biden Regime has plenty of intel on J6 grandmothers...

They are among us...

The religion of peace...

Peaceful Palestinians...

Why we need leadership instead of complaints of mean tweets...

Tales of the Biden Regime...

Peaceful Palestinians...


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Cesspool of corruption!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

The Great 8!

Here are the Heroic House Republicans who supported the motion to remove McCarthy from the speakership and stand up to the Establishment: Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) Rep. Eli Crane (R-AZ) Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) Rep. Bob Good (R-VA) Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-MT)

Way to go Matt! Damn the establishment to hell!!!