★★★ Pages★★★

Monday, June 19, 2023

What is the End Goal?

    Disclaimer: This may not be a popular or mainstream opinion, but this is something that’s been on my mind. What is going on with our Justice Department? Let’s begin with the lynching of Daniel Penny. Yes, I wrote LYNCHING. Daniel was heralded by witnesses as someone that saved others because of his decisive action. He had no intention of taking anyone’s life that day, just to subdue someone that was out of control and violent. Unfortunately for Daniel Penny, he is a heterosexual white male, and Jordan Nelly was African American. A lynching in the past was a group of people that went out in the dark of night, hiding under tattered hoods, to put forth their own vigilante justice that was based on a lie to justify the killing of another human being to satisfy their bloodlust. Now, it’s a group of people lurking in the dark corners of the Justice Department, hiding under the robe of Lady Justice to strike fear in their opponents. They are ever so delicately disguised in due process, ultimately to satisfy their sense of bloodlust while falsely charging a man who just tried to help. Make no mistake, Lady Justice traded the blindfold for puppet strings.

    Courtrooms across the country are promoting a double standard of justice. Criminals go free, so repeat offenders keep repeating. What will they do if a criminal is arrested? Nothing. So, police officers around the country are the ones that are handcuffed because the justice system never holds the criminal accountable. This double standard is occurring from the small criminal to the highest office in the country. While this started purely anecdotal, I heard a comment about gun violence in the United States. Currently, the United States is 3rd out of 193 nations that report gun violence statistics. If you eliminate New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, and St Louis, the United States drops from 3rd to 187th! I didn’t believe it, so I did some research myself on thetrace.org and everytownresearch.org and did the math, and what do you know, those statistics are correct. But the liberal gun grab is a topic for another day. The facts don’t lie, go to those websites, check for yourself. Our major blue cities are bringing this country to its knees.

    While Lady Justice is proving that she is not blind, she is also proving to be partisan as well. The Biden family scandal has been going on for years, and what progress has been made? Mountain of evidence, no problem Biden family, here is your hood and your torch, now let’s go lynch your political opponents! (Don’t forget to read exactly what we tell you to say from the teleprompter.) Criminals were set free by a Justice Department that traded a blindfold for puppet strings and a hood, and scales for a torch. They have no shame in going after the innocent with an angry mob fueled by the lies and misinformation perpetuated by the legacy media. This is our new “woke” Justice Department.

    This is not a rant! Well, maybe it is, but I don’t think I’m wrong, (notice I wrote think and not feel). There is an agenda that aims to allow lawlessness to take over major cities. The fact that “wilding” is a term that people know and understand is embarrassing. Is this what our forefathers designed? Is this what Jefferson pictured when drafting the Declaration? I would argue that the majority, not all, but the majority of the Justice Department is following orders to tear this country down to its foundation. The real travesty is that the foundation of our country was built on a belief in God and objective forms of justice and morality. Now, this hollow justice is built upon the subjective eggshell of our current system. What is the end goal? I believe that they do want to tear it down, with no plan or hope of rebuilding it. They want to confuse real justice with however their feelings direct them to in the moment. I for one will fight tooth and nail to preserve it, and hope others will fight with me.

Stay Strong My Friends.

Aaron from Georgia