★★★ Pages★★★

Sunday, April 16, 2023

It Could Happen: What If…

    I don’t really put too much stock in conspiracy theories, but after a while things begin to add up. The American people have been distracted by an internal house keeping issue with the rise of transgenderism. I started asking myself why the sudden push in recent years for an ideology that would go against the homosexual community. The LGB community believes that this is how you are born, you don’t choose to be gay, but in the trans community it’s all about how you feel. (Don’t jump off the thread yet, this isn’t a gay or trans piece. I think we’ve seen too much of that recently, thanks Dylan.) The alphabet community keeps expanding and applying labels to everyone including men and women. (I refuse to be called a “cisgender man.” I’m a man, you demand I call you whatever you want but refuse to respect me? Thanks) The pride flag has expanded to include the colors of the Ukrainian flag, but I find that curious since it is illegal to be homosexual in the Ukraine. Which brings me to the topic of the day, why is the US government so interested in the Ukraine? There must be more to it than NATO, right?
    The US government has made it their mission to prop up the Ukrainian people with money and military armament. The Ukrainian leadership was caught embezzling some of the financial aid that the US has supplied. Yet, the US continues to send money to a country that continues to “lose” it. This is similar to an insurance scam. You can’t successfully complete the scam without two parties being involved. I would suggest that we are witnessing an elaborate money laundering scheme from our beloved officials. $1.7 trillion dollars to the Ukrainian people. How much will go back to rebuilding their infrastructure, to their people, or to the bank accounts of their government officials and ours? Some of our officials push the agenda to supply money to Ukraine and in return they receive a healthy sum in the offshore bank of their choosing. Have you ever wondered how our officials retire from a lifetime of service with millions in the bank off of a $150,000 per year salary? Where does all of this extra scratch come from? How much foreign aid does our government dole out every year on our dime? I’m all for helping but seriously, what are we doing? What if we took one year off? One year. One year where we didn’t send any money in aid out of the country. One year where we didn’t allow migrants to stay, just sent them back. One year when states are required to balance their budget and spend within their means. One year when our officials leave office with the same amount of money that they came in with. One year where our government doesn’t plant people in crowds to instigate scenarios like riots in our cities or dare I say January 6th. (The left is quick to dramatize those convicted from the January 6th tour of the capital, but why are there a few unnamed agitators that haven’t been exposed? Curious.) One year without our government lying to us for their benefit. One full year of transparent accountability from our elected officials. One year that my taxes don’t pay for someone’s abortion, transition surgery, or residency. One year when everyone can handle their business and I can handle mine. One year when the government can mind their business and stay out of mine. On a plane, a passenger is supposed to put their oxygen mask on before they help others, in the event the plane loses pressure. So why is the United States sending out money to other countries when we are in the midst of our own death rattle whilst we are hemorrhaging from our own financial crisis?
    It is time for our officials to be held accountable and stop laundering money through other countries. We used to be the standard around the world, the place where everyone wanted to go. Now we have a president that doesn’t know where he’s going, can’t string two sentences together without a teleprompter, and sounded the most comfortable when he was conversing with some drunk Irishmen only the president wasn’t drunk, go figure. If most of our elected officials ran a business or a household like they run our country they would be in jail, so why do have two different standards? What if we hold them accountable for what the Constitution stands for and punish them for their greed and lies? It could happen… 

Stay strong my friends.
Aaron from GA