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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Terror in the Skies!

Terror in the Skies! 

  I know that everyone is sick of “balloon-gate” by now, but let’s alter our perspective on the issue to see what the purpose is. First, why wouldn’t the Chinese government feel like they have the ability to fly anywhere in U.S. airspace? With our porous Southern border, the balloon was certainly seeking asylum from an oppressive government. Unfortunately, now that the balloon was separated from its parent, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be talking to news programs, shrieking about legal asylees and what cage the balloon is being housed in? Denying China the freedom to roam around our sovereign airspace should be considered racist since we allow people from other countries access to much more with far less flair. “Give us your tired, your poor, your weather balloons, yearning to breathe free.” Just because the weather balloon was checking the weather over cities, near military bases, and sites of moderate national importance including California. China might have been looking at California for a boost of self-esteem. Maybe the balloon can answer this riddle, “what state has beautiful weather, cool breezes, and still smells like urine?" That’s right weather balloon, California! Maybe the balloon drifted off course trying to get away from the overwhelming stench of hobo B.O., street feces, and the aroma of the broken dreams of porn stars that couldn’t make it in Hollywood. 

  Another perspective is that China really was checking the weather in areas that don’t carry the same pollution as Peking and Shanghai. To capture some of the clean air over Idaho and Montana and bring it back to China. Now that the balloon has been shot down, China is issuing a “chill out bro” warning to the U.S., China doesn’t want to mess with the U.S. They will flex occasionally to try to show the world that they are not intimidated by the United States, but the reality is that China cannot sustain an attack on Taiwan without running out of food and fuel in months. Imagine if they tried to attack us here, what would that look like? Their best option would not be a ground attack, but to attach a nuclear warhead to a “weather balloon” as it drifts off course over a major military installation or city with a high-density population and detonate at a high altitude for a greater area of impact. It doesn’t seem that unfeasible now does it? All China would need to do is send up another balloon, equip it with a nuclear warhead, then let it drift near a populated city. The military has shown that it will shoot it down, so they can equip it with a remote detonator or drop the bomb on an area before it gets shot down. There are a host of different scenarios where this doesn’t play out well for us in the United States. Why are so many politicians not seeing this as the national security risk that it is? When will North Korea try the same thing, or Iran? What we have shown the world is that in our high-tech society, low-tech is undoubtedly our Achilles heel.

Stay strong my friends. 
Aaron from GA