★★★ Pages★★★

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

“Hola California!”

  Yes, the issue at the Southern border is a crisis. A full-blown emergency. The flow of illegal immigrants into the United States is reaching biblical proportions. Instead of Hebrews escaping the clutches of the Egyptians across the Red Sea that God Almighty parted for them in search of the “Promised Land”, we have Central and South Americans (with the occasional Iranian tossed in) risking it all to achieve their “American Dream”. They risk their lives and the lives of their families to make the journey. They try to avoid rapists, murderers, traffickers, and cartels to come here for their opportunity. Unfortunately, they encounter manipulators and opportunists as soon as they cross the border that take advantage of them and their situation. This begs the question, “Why would they risk everything to come here?”

  This is an interesting question to say the least. They don’t have to assimilate to our culture, or even speak the language. The United States is so accommodating, that someone will most likely speak Spanish, or there will be instructions written in Spanish. No, I am not anti-immigrant. I am against illegal immigration. Both want to immigrate to the country and risk a lot to come here. Typically, a legal immigrant will learn the language and pass a citizenship test because they are buying into our culture and our country. An illegal immigrant is not forced to do any of that, they aren’t even asked to do that. We accept all cultures in the United States from around the world. Why is there so much outrage over illegal immigration? They are just trying to have an opportunity to have a better life, so why are citizens so outraged over the porous Southern border?

  We could take time discussing the various crimes committed and the impact that they have on US citizens and illegal immigrants, but let’s focus on something that our elected officials can’t seem to grasp, a budget. It’s not that I don’t believe that our politicians don’t know what a budget is, it’s that they don’t know how to follow it. I’ll use California as an example. Now, I don’t like picking on California because it feels like picking on the kid that bags my groceries, there isn’t any joy in doing it, but here are some facts about California’s 2023 budget. They plan on expanding their budget to a proposed amount of $550 million a year, and this is on top of the budget that have for illegal immigrants that is already a bloated $25.3 billion, yes billion with a “b”. An illegal immigrant will get free healthcare while a citizen that’s paid into the system with taxes must provide their own health insurance or is forced to pay a penalty. Approximately 1 million illegal immigrants qualify for food stamps in the state of California because they earn less that $4500 per month. Here is the amazing stat, California faces a $24 billion budget problem! What?! Who could have possibly foreseen this? Maybe if they defunded the police like they planned, they would have the funds. There’s always next year.

  One failed policy attempt after another has turned California into a raging dumpster fire. Citizens and businesses can’t leave the state fast enough. Maybe that’s why illegal immigrants are drawn to California, like toxic women drawn to “bad boys”, illegal immigrants are drawn to failed government and bad policies. “Hola California!” The state that embraced defund the police, gender affirming surgery for minors, the right for a man or a woman to have an abortion during the third trimester of a pregnancy (no, that’s not a typo), rising crime, declining population, rising taxes, declining infrastructure and power grid, and the highest rate of inflation nationwide. California, the state that will force you to buy an electric car but won’t let you charge it. This brings me back to budget. California has one of the highest gas taxes in the nation, and is effectively already $24 billion in the hole, so where do they plan to get the funds that they are going to lose from the gas tax by forcing people to purchase electric cars? Eventually the only people left in California will be the illegal immigrants and the state can buy them an electric car while the rest of us will have to pay for one. By that time the illegal immigrants will miss the flawed dictatorship that they originally fled from, to the broken dictatorship they are currently living in called California. Maybe someone could commission a sign to read, “Would the last person out of California please turn out the lights?” but the lights aren’t on now, so who could tell?

Aaron From GA

Stay strong my friends. 

Mantente fuerte mis amigos.