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Sunday, September 25, 2022

What’s Wrong: Indoctrinating Intellectual Infants

 What’s Wrong:

 Indoctrinating Intellectual Infants

  Due to the proliferation of indoctrinating this brittle generation, I would be remiss in my obligations if I did not write about questions surrounding current education. Previously, there was uncertainty of a student’s ability to learn reliably from educators teaching their opinion and not factuality. Take the Left’s elation with the destabilization of nuclear family and tradition, all under the name of “gender affirmation.” The audacity of educators ignoring a child’s natural femininity or masculinity, to push a constructed gender identity will only lead to cultural toxicity. Our children’s formal education is supposed to provide a solid foundation of calculation and composition, including the exploration of subjects that improve our intellectual formation and spark our imagination. Our society, (not from the majority) is ignoring basic biology to make a priority, a community whose morality is bent towards atrocity. Physical mutilation isn’t the only motivation of twisted teachers, but this fascination of self-adulation leads to narcissistic aggrandization of an already proud and noble occupation, and this proposition to deviate from a parents’ right to participation in a students’ most important decisions. Not the complexity of choosing a university, or the anxiety of being picked first in an activity, but whether their gender (sex) can be decided from a point of emotionality, while ignoring physicality. This is a situation where a parents’ expectation of inclusion in every decision should be without contestation, but Leftist teachers compound a parents’ aggravation by a teachers’ promotion of secrecy for students when it pertains to a child’s sexualization.

  Since some teachers are focused on a students’ gender identity with a certain acuity, the faculty must have immunity to consequences involving a students’ curiosity. The qualifications required of educators does not include psycho-analyzation, and by my estimation, this is not on any application. A parents’ perceptivity in changes to their child’s personality can limit the plausibility of teachers twisting their gender identity, because a child’s personality is not formed with a desire for individuality, but with a propensity for conformity, solidarity, and more importantly, popularity. Current contamination within our system of education led to my contemplation of disconnection from over-education, and I don’t want this to seem like a dramatization but a justification for our school systems re-evaluation. We used to think it a calamity when our child came home using profanity, gesturing obscenities, and drinking or smoking with regularity. To my mortification, now I have to worry about pills that perpetuate chemical castration, the integration of post-modernization, and the further emasculation of our evil patriarchal nation. I want continuity, compatibility, and credibility for children to learn discernity, and thinking logically adds an invincibility to a child’s awareness and maturity.

  With very little investigation, you will find correlation without exaggeration of similar circumstances that should require explanation. I say with certainty that if you conclude that this travesty could not happen within your community, pique your curiosity, and investigate your local school with objectivity, to see if some teachers have accountability or if they preach "gender fluidity." This global hallucination of gender affirmation needs an intervention from current manipulation, for amputation of genitalia isn’t the only agitation but the amputation of innocence should cause denigration. Be kind in your quest for sensibility, but silence is a form of acceptability.

Stay strong my friends.

Aaron From Georgia