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Sunday, December 5, 2021

Dr. Mark Andrew Holowchak Interview!
The "Woke Washing" & Attempted Cancellation of Thomas Jefferson by the Left (12/3/21)

We would like to welcome back to the program, Jeffersonian Hero, Dr. Mark Andrew Holowchak—philosopher, historian, and Commonwealthman!

Dr. Holowchak continues to face Leftist censorship from the mainstream as he dares to apply reason and objective thinking to the historiography of Thomas Jefferson! 

The preeminent Jeffersonian scholar of our time returns to TRP to address the disgusting removal of the statue of Thomas Jefferson from New York City Hall!  

Have we abandoned the consideration of truth??

1) Since last you were on the show for our big 2-part Declaration of Independence Spectacular what have you been doing?

2) Our producer, John from Connecticut, invited you back to the show because of a certain event: the removal of Jefferson’s statue from NYC Hall. Can you tell us about that event—at least, what you know of it? We’d also like you to speak on behalf of being a cancelled scholar. You have a new book on that, don’t you?
3) Not that it’s all that hard to guess, but what were the reasons for removal of the statue?
4) Let us be Satan’s advocate... Removalists want to rid us of TJ’s statue because he articulated ideals that he didn’t practice—that is, his supposed inauthenticity, (saying one thing and doing another...) ...You’re saying that we ought to celebrate the man who wrote the document. You maintain that we ought—and your choice of “ought” you say is a moral imperative—to celebrate the man, and not merely the document. Let’s investigate that.

5) Did the Black, Latino, and Asian Caucus & the Leftist City Council represent the opinions of the majority of the citizens of NYC when they voted 8-0 for removal? Was this a tyranny of the minority?
6) In your book, Rethinking Thomas Jefferson’s Views on Slavery and Race, you note that TJ considered Blacks inferior to Whites. Isn’t that racism?
7)  Thomas Jefferson historians seem to be of one voice that TJ did little or nothing to rid of the institution. In Rethinking Thomas Jefferson’s Views on Slavery and Race you maintain that he did much. Can you explain?

8) Some like famous Marxian historian Peter Onuf always say Thomas Jefferson could have done more to end slavery... especially later in his life... could he actually have done even more?

9) The same Leftist scholars castigate TJ for not freeing his slaves after his death, or during his life. Why didn't he do that? Isn't that hypocrisy?

10) Can't everything we appreciate as individuals & lovers of liberty (including religious liberty & freedom of conscience) be traced back to Jefferson?

11) Didn't TJ fight for the freedom of slaves as an attorney seventeen years before the Constitution of 1787 took effect?

12) With the Land Ordinance of 1784, five years before the United States government sat for the first time, didn't TJ attempt to eliminate the possibility of slavery in any new states or new territories? 

13) Marxian historians like to paint Jefferson as economically incompetent when he was in fact an economic genius... ...Why did Jefferson promote Free Enterprise/Free Market economics if he was a slave holder?

14) Was the Civil War fought for slavery or economic reasons?

15) What were some of things TJ accomplished as President of the American Philosophical Society from 1797 to 1814? ...He actually championed science while he was President?

16) How was Ronald Reagan a "Jeffersonian" Republican?

17) Why is Thomas Jefferson being targeted now by the woke mob and why is he being made the scapegoat by the Left? 

18) How do we cultivate and protect individualism over collectivism & save the Republic?

19) Thomas Jefferson called his party the "Republican" party first. ...Why is the fact that he actually founded the Republican Party (GOP) being glossed over and lied about to this day?

20) Would there be a United States, Bill of Rights, or Free Speech without Thomas Jefferson and would we even be having this great discussion today if not for him and his followers?
Mark's recent works include:
Get in touch with Dr. Holowchak at mholowchak@hotmail.com if you are interested in bringing him for a lecture to your institution or business. 

  • Contact incoming mayor, Eric Adams, (718) 802-3700, and voice discontent with removal of statue. 
  • Contact Leslie Greene Bowman at Monticello. She makes over $450,000 dollars to destroy TJ. If visiting, voice loudly discontent. Demand the truth on TJ. (434) 984-8900 / lbowman@monticello.org