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Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Frank von Queens on Socialism...

Socialism is: 

1) The Greed for Power by the political Left, which can never be satiated. To keep their power they need to oppress those they rule. 

2) A Political and Economic Phrenology. 

3) A 19th Century Pseudo Science 

4) Political Apartheid. You are not allowed to take power from government or disagree with them as they use government to create a one party state. Under Statism, the State controls both parties at the expense of individual freedom and liberty. 

5) A belief which states, "It is this way now and it will never be better!"...."Socialism has only failed thus far because we haven't quite tweaked it enough yet!".... 

6) Just like in religion, which boosts it will better for you in the after life, Socialism always resolves that it will better in "the Next Country" it is tried.

7) A system which can only thrive on corruption and lies. We must separate economics and state.