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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Pay Attention to "GEORGE WASHINGTON'S" Birthday!


Hello Constitution Center CEO:

I see you are still referring to the 3rd Monday in February as "Presidents Day": https://constitutioncenter.org/calendar/presidents-day-weekend-2019

I've written to your fine institution before about this. There is no such thing as "Presidents Day". Nor "President's Day"; nor "Presidents' Day" for that matter. Check out in the next few weeks how many people, institutions, newspaper ads, et cetera spell this misnomer in its 3 variants differently. These ignorant can't even get the wrong thing straight! The day is correctly known as "Washington's Birthday".

Here's the proof in black and white: https://www.archives.gov/files/publications/prologue/2004/winter/images/uniform-monday-holiday-law.jpg

Why do you persist in propagating this currently ongoing misnomer? In seemingly diminishing the great and unique achievements of the Father of His Country? Sad.

 George the Atheist
