★★★ Pages★★★

Monday, May 9, 2011

TRP! (5/07/11)

Frank and John celebrate Obama's use of the Bush Doctrine to invade a sovereign Muslim country and carry out the proper retaliatory act of war by slaying Osama bin Laden.... Frank says he wants to see the death pic of Osama, and until he does, Osama is not dead. John notes the hypocrisy of the Left, in condemning Bush for fighting the war on terror and now praising Obama for acting unilaterally when killing bin Laden.

Frank points out all the inconsistencies in their story and that if it was Bush they'd have said he rushed to violence and acted like a gun toting, shoot-first ask-questions-later cowboy. That this was a gun-crazy act of "Frontier Justice!".... The Left are pacifists and are always against the death penalty but this one is O.K. because it's their leader in office!.... Frank also wants posters created out of the death photo and have them put up in mosques in America and Europe with the caption, "Watch it brother, this could be you!"

Plus: the rate of violent crime in Beringian Canada is 9 times higher than the rest of Canada.... Obama wants to tax your driving by the mile.... Rosie O'Donnell invades Canada....and on HELLO Africa! an inteview with retired SADF Col. Henry Pinkham, where he talks about the hate speech trial of ANCYL leader Julius Malema, a Boervolk Rally that was held in Middleburg earlier this week, and the rise in cases of Black-on-White police brutality in South Africa.... your phone calls at 718.761.9996 and much more.

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