★★★ Pages★★★

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Very true...

Friday, June 28, 2024

Just crushing to Leftist hearts & minds!

Wonderful Jeffersonian decision...

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Triple yikes...

Double yikes...




Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Oh let's save democracy... more like save Democrat power at all costs!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Fair and impartial...



Crimes of the ruling class...

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Youth shaped by the Right!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Youth shaped by the Left...

The Left can't deal with reality...

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thankfully we don't forget...

He he!


There is never a coincidence with these establishment devils...

As we said all along Neocon establishment scum!

Make overrun Europe great again!

Connect the Neo-Bolshevik dots...

Nothing to worry about... trust them!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Human joke...

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Yes get ready this is more likely than not...

Oh hell yeah great replacement theory...


For the record this did not happen!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Finally a Republican that can speak...

About time...

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Democrat geniuses making a difference...

Yup! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜…

Thursday, June 13, 2024

All part of the Neo-Bolshevik downfall of America...

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Not a hate crime. Yet another racial justice warrior...

We already know the answer!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

We are not fooled!


What Frank predicted long ago folks...

Stand for transparent election integrity!

End leftist lawfare terrorism!

BIDEN JUST NOW: “She no long! She new sllunasuhhijuhnide our freedom can never be secured.”

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Vivek. No foreign entanglements...

Friday, June 7, 2024

The Left's ghost vote strikes again...

All good Bolshevik coups come to an end...



Stand up heroes!

How many great Americans are rolling in their graves over this...

No justice system!

KGB admission...

Lawfare = Bolshevism

Biden crime family...

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

No justice? No peace?

What a disgrace...

The End of Minister Fauci...

Be proud of a strong powerful Republican "woman!"

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

So obvious...


Why was the Constitution of 1787 created by the States?


    In the Convention of Virginia, Patrick Henry said : "Liberty, sir, is the primary object. Liberty, the greatest of all earthly blessings — give us that precious jewel, and you may take away everything else." And, with an eloquence more powerful than that which shook the throne of Macedon, he demonstrated that the battles of the Revolution were fought, not to make "a great and mighty empire," but "for liberty." It was for liberty — for the liberty of the people of the "several States" — that the Federal Government was established. Not for the kingly grandeur and power of government, but for the happiness, safety and liberty of "the people of the several States."

Monday, June 3, 2024

Nicely done Megyn & MTG...

Minister Fauci starting to crumble...

Let's get this straight...

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Insert Outrage Here, There, Everywhere...

    It’s been a crazy week, so I’ll jump right in. I’m no legal analyst but people around the globe have recognized that the Biden administration has used the justice system in an effort to persecute a political rival. This has been a difficult circus to witness as it progresses, but now that this phase is over, the left is finding out that the outcome of the NY show trial will not produce the political results that they hoped for. I don’t just lay the blame solely at the feet of the Democrat leadership, I do believe that many Republicans need a “talking to.”

    Both sides contributed to this nonsense but before a problem can be fixed it needs to be recognized. Sometimes identifying the problem is more difficult than applying a solution, but fortunately, you have found this website and are exposed to the lunacy of the left and are more aware than most. Congratulations, you’ve won the right to consume knowledge, (there is no prize, you can get yourself a cookie, we are conservative after all).

    As a change of pace, I’m going to start with a problem on the right. For too long, conservatives have looked upon the shenanigans on the left and say nothing. Some LGBTQIA+M=F/F=M leftist would like to write a children’s book with sexually explicit material. Fine. Keep it over there, conservatives don’t want children exposed to it, problem? Leftists want to burn cities and start riots, I mean peacefully protest, conservatives will stay out of the way as you throw your adult tantrum. Fine, keep it away from us, we’ll pay for the clean-up, problem? Leftists want to blame conservatives for the condition of Democrat run cities (or states). Fine, conservatives will leave, then you can live in Utopia, problem? These are just a few examples of the delusional status that Democrats typically exist in. Our problem on the right is believing that they will eventually learn from their mistakes. 

    The right has been content with letting the left screw up their lives or cities, believing that the path to success is often times treacherous through the valley of failure. What conservatives have failed to do, is adequately instruct the left that the only way to find the path through the valley of failure is with perseverance, self-determination, and responsibility. Unfortunately, the left gets outraged at the thought of responsibility. They try to “normalize” all of their bad behavior, but I have a better idea, just be normal. I know this sounds like I’m poking the lefties, but the problem on the right is that we rarely call out this bizarre behavior and say “SHAME!” People on the right are afraid of saying anything because we are afraid we will be called a bigot or a racist or some other name. Don’t be afraid, hopefully you are none of those things. If anyone does call you a name, first, already know that you’ve won the argument because an ad hominem attack is a desperate attempt to shake you. Don’t take the bait. Next, ask a simple question like, “what evidence do you have to make that claim? Can you provide me with one example?” Generally, there is no evidence, this is how they feel. Finally, let them know that you will use the same tact that they have, then call them a pedophile and a murderer. When they complain about the terminology, tell them that they support abortion and the babies that they don’t kill they groom, and they should get used to it. Accusations without evidence is normal, we just saw DJT get convicted on accusations without evidence, so buckle up buttercup, it’s going to be a bumpy summer. The moral of the story is, don’t expect someone else to say something is wrong, it’s all of our responsibility. The reason we are in the mess that we’re in is because for too long we have expected someone else to clean up the problem. Well, it’s our problem now, so, grow a little backbone, in Georgia we say, “grow some hair on your peaches” and stand up for what you believe in. Now for the left.

    The problem with the left is that they never see consequences for their actions. This is the snake oil that liberal politicians have been selling for years. They really don’t see the destructive consequences for their policies and decisions. Take the story of Pinocchio. He follows the character Lampwick to live the way that he wants, no school, no responsibility. Before Pinocchio turns into a real boy he turns into a Democrat, I mean a donkey (same difference). I know, that’s fiction, how about a real-life example? California is doing their best to eliminate gas cars in the state. I wrote in a previous article that this decision would have a negative impact on the entire state. They have the highest gas tax in the United States, so what are they going to do about the shortfall in revenue statewide? Recently, Governor Newsome proposed a tax on drivers, yes gas or electric, of 30 cents per mile. No that won’t have a negative impact on the state except that they will tax the poor out of the state, tax the middle class into poverty, and the illegal immigrants will get a free electric car and monthly allowance to pay for their mileage. Sound ridiculous? Look up what California, New York, and Chicago are doing for their illegal immigrant problem, it’s scary. Huh, I wonder why the major news networks haven’t covered that? No story there I’m sure, better not say anything.

    There are no more excuses, call out the hypocrites. We see exactly how far the left will go to persecute their political rivals. I don’t think President Trump will go to jail, but I do have a logical prediction. Sentencing is a few days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, and the judge could sentence him to probation with a curfew and not allow him to leave the state. Which means that he would have to accept the nomination virtually. This is unprecedented. These are tactics of the unimaginative and the desperate, but I’m glad Hillary isn’t his opponent because we would see a headline that President Trump committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest 7 times. 

    I don’t like pointing out problems without providing a solution, so I have a suggestion. Maybe, instead of making tent cities, blocking roads, or burning store fronts, the tolerant left can use that useless lump on the top of their neck that’s filled to the brim with CRT and DEI degrees to sit across from us dumb hayseed conservatives and actually foster some change. That would mean that they would have to have an open dialogue and compromise. No, chanting rhyming slogans through a megaphone to pasty idiots that crawled out of their mom’s basement (like Gollum crawling out of an orc dungeon) so they can actually do something with their sham poetry degree doesn’t count as an open dialogue. Conversation is a good place to start. If anyone on the left is reading this, we can start by you calling me xenophobic, transphobic, homophobic, racist, bigot, and whatever else you want to call me. I’ll say that you’re pedantic and your arguments are banal and then we can go from there. The bottom line is that I am willing to sit across from someone on the left, what I’m not willing to do is sit idly by while the left gets outraged about whatever cause enters their delicate purview. Focus on an issue and improve it. Instead, we have a group that is only happy when they insert their outrage here, there, and everywhere and leave chaos in their wake. No substance, just outrage, no solutions, just more problems, but that’s why they’re on the left and we are right (meaning correct).

Stay Encouraged My Friends,

Aaron from GA

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Jealous racial justice warriors would rather their unwatched league fail then to have it succeed due to Caitlin Clark...

Seriously distressed...